Naik Alam Internship

Naik’s CCI Internship Experience: Enhancing Women’s Empowerment through Entrepreneurship

For the 2016-2017 program year, Community College Initiative Program participants have been hard at work building hands-on professional experience through internships in local U.S. businesses and organizations. Many participants select their internships based on their fields of study or future careers, and for Naik Alam, a business student at Northern […]

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KCC CCI students and globe

International Mother Language Day

Yesterday was International Mother Language Day—a worldwide annual observance held on February 21 to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. In the Community College Initiative (CCI) Program this year, CCI students speak over twenty different languages and dialects, including English, and many grew up bilingual or multilingual. […]

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making Paracord Bracelets

MLK Day of Service 2017

After an eventful midyear program, our determined CCI students continued their commitment to serve their host communities in support of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. In line with Dr. King’s mission of civic activism, our students took on a variety of service activities, and the following are […]

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Contributing to U.S. Communities through Service Learning

In honor of International Volunteer Day 2016, we are participating in this year’s theme of #GlobalApplause by giving our Community College Initiative (CCI) participants a hand for their volunteer efforts. For the 2016-17 program year, CCI participants studying in the United States are projected to contribute 25,000 volunteer hours to […]

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International Education Week 2016

Last week, Community College Initiative (CCI) participants participated in and hosted a series of events at their host community colleges to celebrate International Education Week (IEW) 2016. International Education Week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education and is an opportunity […]

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Juliet Nkululeko and Tim Kaine

International Leadership in U.S. Community Colleges

Over ten Community College Initiative (CCI) Program participants have been elected into leadership positions in student government associations, clubs, and organizations within their community colleges. Taking on active leadership roles is just one way that CCI participants help U.S. community colleges internationalize their campuses and engage community college students with […]

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Mayor John Sawyer and CCI

CCI Exchange Students Visit U.S. Local, State, and Federal Government

Learning about U.S. government is critical to understanding U.S. culture and experience, and Community College Initiative (CCI) Program participants across the U.S. get the unique opportunity to talk with and learn from local, state, and federal U.S. government officials about U.S. politics. Hearing about U.S. government procedures, ethics, and engagement […]

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