All posts by bderamus

Q and A with Dr. Stewart Edwards – NOVA’s Newest C-CERT Train-the-Trainer

The Office of Emergency Management and Safety would like to congratulate Dr. Stewart Edwards (Assistant Dean of Business Management at the Annandale Campus) for recently earning his Campus Community Emergency Response Team (C-CERT) Train-the-Trainer Certification from FEMA. This certification enables Dr. Edwards to help train future NOVA C-CERT members and help them become better prepared for various emergencies at home, on campus, or in their neighborhoods.

Dr. EdwardsQ: How long have you been a C-CERT member at NOVA?

A: 3 years

 Q: Why did you enroll in C-CERT?

A: To be honest, I did this for myself. I wanted to learn more about emergency preparedness, and actions I could take to prepare myself, my family at home, and on campus. Being resilient during emergencies is important and I wanted to learn what to do prior to an emergency happening—before it’s too late.

Q: Why did you decide to register for C-CERT Train-the-Trainer?

A: After going through NOVA’s C-CERT training program, participating in C-CERT exercises, and attending CERT conferences, I see great potential for strengthening this program at NOVA. I am very grateful to NOVA’s OEMS for approving my attendance at the 3-day Emergency Management Institute training. I can provide value to the program if I can help train future C-CERT members and teach people why emergency preparedness is so important. I want to help grow NOVA’s C-CERT program because I strongly believe in its mission not only for our personal preparedness, but also on campus and in our neighborhoods.

Q: Why would you recommend faculty and staff members take C-CERT?C-CERT2

A: If nothing else, take C-CERT training for yourself and personal knowledge. The College believes in this program and is willing to let you take this on “company time” free of charge. Given the nature of where we work, each campus is like a small town with all the potential for various emergencies. The more of us trained, the better prepared we are as a team to serve NOVA and our communities in time of need.

Future C-CERT classes are being planned this year, so stay tuned for a future email announcement. If you have questions about the program or how you can get involved, please email

About C-CERT: The Campus Community Emergency Response Team (C-CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their campus and community, and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, C-CERT members can assist others in their campus, family, and/or neighborhood following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.

Help Prepare Senior Citizens With the Vial of Life Project

May is Older American’s Month and it’s important to remember that emergency preparedness for senior citizens requires additional measures many of us wouldn’t think of.

vial of lifeOne way you can prepare senior citizens (or anyone else with a complex medical history) at home is through the Vial of Life Project.

Imagine your older mother, father, or grandparent is home alone and suffers an emergency. Or perhaps a family member is home with them but can’t keep track of all their medications and doctor visits.

The Vial of Life Project is a smart way to have your medical information on hand just in case of an emergency. People find themselves in emergencies that make it difficult to think straight. Emergency personnel need to know many things about you – especially if you have a complex medical history. The Vial of Life is designed to speak for you when you can’t speak for yourself. The vial contains important medical information that can assist emergency personnel in administering the proper medical treatment.

 There are 4 simple steps to getting your Vial of Life kit ready. The form and decal can be printed using the following link:

  1. Fill out the Vial of Life form
  • Make blank copies of this form to keep information current.
  • Fill out the backside of the Vial of Life form. Answer all or any pertinent questions.
  1. Place the decal on front of a plastic baggie
  • Place the form you filled out in the plastic baggie.
  • You may also consider placing the following items in the baggie: Copy of EKG, Living Will or Equivalent, DNR (Do Not Resuscitate), and/or Recent Picture. 
  1. Place the baggie on refrigerator door
  • Securely tape plastic baggie on the front of the refrigerator door.
  • Place the decal on the refrigerator – this could be on the front or side of the refrigerator, whichever is easiest for emergency personnel to see and access. 
  1. Place the second decal on front door
  • Place the decal on the front door so it can easily be seen by anyone responding to an emergency.

 For more information about the Vial of Life Project, please visit

Emergency Preparedness at Home – Do 1 Thing – Work, School, and Community (May)

Do 1 Thing

Disasters can happen at any time. If you are away from home do you know where to find safe shelter locations? Do you know what the emergency procedures are for your child’s school or for your workplace? Will people who count on you know what to do if you can’t reach them? Know how to make sure you and your loved ones are safe in a disaster, no matter where you are.

THE GOAL: Make sure the people who count on you are prepared for a disaster.

Choose one (or more) of these things to do this month:

  • Make sure emergency procedures are in place for your workplace or school.
  • Give emergency kits to people who count on you (college students, elderly parents, etc.).
  • Know how others in your community will respond in a disaster.

 Each month on this blog, OEM will post Do 1 Thing’s monthly topic and we encourage you to follow the program at

April is Financial Preparedness Month

You may be wondering why you are reading about financial preparedness on an emergency management blog, but being ready for a disaster is more than storing water and supplies. You also need to be financially ready. Starting early and having adequate insurance, a plan to pay your bills and access your important records and accounts will help you get back on your feet faster and avoid problems with your credit when you need it most.

Pre-disaster financial planning is essential for individuals and families to complete because disasters leave many Americans with expensive damages without access to finances. Safeguarding your finances and important records is easy if you start now—prior to a disaster or emergency.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has resources to help you strengthen your financial preparedness for disasters and emergencies at

Emergency Preparedness at Home – Do 1 Thing – Food (April)

What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word – spring? Is it birds chirping, trees and flowers blooming, or the transition from snow boots to flip-flops? All those things make spring an exciting season, but there is one thing associated with spring that we all dread: spring cleaning. While you are busy cleaning and reorganizing your home, do not forget to make room for the three-day supply of water (February’s Do 1 Thing challenge) and this month’s challenge: Food.

THE GOAL: Have an emergency food supply that will meet the needs of your household for three days without outside help.

Choose one (or more) of these things to do this month:

  • Buy a three-day emergency food supply for your household.
  • Take steps to make sure food in your refrigerator and freezer will stay safe.
  • Make sure you can meet any special dietary needs in your household.

Each month on this blog, OEM will post Do 1 Thing’s monthly topic and we encourage you to follow the program at