The Only Spreadsheet You Need to Organize Your Job Search

Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

Looking for a job can feel like a fulltime job. On average it takes about nine weeks to find a full-time position. Those projections could be even longer in the current economic climate during COVID. It’s easy to get discouraged and want to give up during your job search especially after getting passed up for a job you really wanted. Being overwhelmed with managing several job applications, resumes, and follow up emails at one time is common. A job tracking spreadsheet can help you get your job search process organized and help you keep your sanity. Luckily, The Muse has got you covered with the perfect customizable job tracking spreadsheet

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Plan Your Career From Start to Finish

Plan your career from start to finish with any of the resources below.

Get to Know Yourself

Virginia Education Wizard

The Virginia Education Wizard is your roadmap for planning your career. Not sure what you want to do? Take a career assessment to find the perfect career path for you. Learn how to brand yourself, build your network and so much more.

Career One Stop

There are a variety of career assessments that help you align your interests, skills, experiences, needs, and wants with suitable career paths. Take one or take them all.

Explore Career Paths

U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook

The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics is your one-stop-shop for all things careers. Get an inside look at what workers do. Compare salaries for different industries and browse over 325 occupational profiles.

IT Career Finder

If you’re looking for a job IT Career Finder has you covered. You can search for jobs by career path or by certification. As you search, learn about IT career paths and in-demand IT certifications.

Get Hired

Career Connection

Need a resume? No problem. Looking for a job? Career Connection has got you covered. All you need is your myNOVA username and password.

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Remote Tech Jobs

Search specifically for remote jobs in tech on this job board.

Everything You Need To Crush Online Learning This Semester

Top View Photo of Person Writing on White Paper
Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

You’re going back to school-sort of. 

COVID-19 has shifted the way you do everything, including how you go to school. Truthfully, online learning isn’t for everyone, but it’s the cards you’ve been dealt so you might as well play a winning hand. If you want to get the most out of a semester online, you need a strategy. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered with 5 tips that can help you crush online learning this semester.

Continue reading Everything You Need To Crush Online Learning This Semester

Career resources and advice that will help you land your dream job