Barbie – What a Doll?

I’m reading about a woman, Valeria Lukyanova, who is a Ukranian model. According to New York Daily News writer , Ms. Lukyanova has had some surgery.

Search You Tube and you will find several “Barbie Transformational Tutorials.”

Hamilton College student Galia Slayen writes in the Huffington Post, that “If Barbie were an actual woman, she would be 5’9″ tall, have a 39″ bust, an 18″ waist, 33” hips, and a size 3 shoe. Slayen estimates Barbie would weigh 110# and have a BMI of 16.24.  She would have anorexia and have to walk on all fours because her legs couldn’t support her.

What messages are we giving our girls about their bodies?