Category Archives: Gordon M. Cook Library

Posted in Fall 2014, Gordon M. Cook Library | Comments Off on

Honors Welcome Night at the Woodbridge Campus

On January 28th the Gordon M. Cook Library hosted Honors Welcome Night at the Woodbridge Campus.  The event was kicked off by LeeAnn Thomas, the Honors Committee Chair, who introduced the evening’s program.  The documentary Blackfish was screened for Honors … Continue reading

Posted in Gordon M. Cook Library, Honors Program, Library Reading Room Event, Reading Room, Spring 2014 | Comments Off on Honors Welcome Night at the Woodbridge Campus

Honors Welcome Night

Posted in Gordon M. Cook Library, Library Reading Room Event, Spring 2014 | Comments Off on Honors Welcome Night

Gordon M. Cook Woodbridge Campus Library Tour

A brief introduction to the Gordon M. Cook Woodbridge Campus Library

Posted in Gordon M. Cook Library, Library Media, Spring 2014 | Comments Off on Gordon M. Cook Woodbridge Campus Library Tour