Category Archives: Notices

Banned Books Week: Student Podcast #3


It’s Day 3 of our week-long celebration of Banned Books Week, and we have yet another student podcast to share with you! Listen to ESL student Giancarlo Paredes give his take on the freedom to read.

Also, make sure to read posts from earlier this week to learn more about Banned Books Week and hear other student commentaries. Enjoy, and stay tuned!

Giancarlo Paredes: ESL 52 Commentator for Banned Books Week 2015.
Giancarlo Paredes: ESL 52 Commentator for Banned Books Week 2015.

“Are we going to ban books in the 21st century? Really? It’s so sad that some people still want to do that. I think that the only person who should decide what to read or what not should be myself and not someone else. When I am reading, I am not hurting anyone. Reading helps me to discover more about the world around me, improving my critical thinking and judgment at the same time. But somehow people believe they know what is right and what is not for others. What they don’t realize is that what makes this country different from others is the freedom of choice, the freedom of expression, and the freedom to read. Otherwise, we’ll go back in time to the Stone Ages and make no difference in the world. Books should not be banned. Even if we don’t like the content, someone else will find it useful. We should celebrate the freedom to read. Student Giancarlo Paredes from ESL 52.”

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Talk like a pirate day was September 19th this year and the library was closed. 🙁

That doesn’t mean you have to stop talking like a pirate though! Ye need t’ visit t’ library!


Library Closed Monday

The NOVA campuses (including the library!) will be closed Monday, September 7th. Remember to enjoy your 3 day weekend and remember to visit the library on Tuesday when you get back!


Welcome Back!

Fall semester started last Monday and so by now I’m sure you are not feeling overwhelmed at all by your new school, classes, professor, assignments etc., right?

In case you are overwhelmed, come to the library! We are a peaceful place of solace, for those who want to study, and a hub of technology, for those who want cool gadgets!

Our hours are Monday-Thursday: 8am to 8pm; Friday 10am to 2pm and Closed Saturday and Sunday. Don’t miss out! This guy will be there:

Mess on desk

Gifs and Old School Vids

We love apps at NOVA Annandale Library. We especially love apps that allow you to make gifs and old school looking videos.

Gifs are the best way to let somebody know you care. They can express your emotions without even having to say a word. Can you tell how we feel about our laptop kiosk? Check out this Giphy Cam article on Engadget.


Do you miss the days before HD video? I know I sure do and this app lets me run wild with poor video and audio quality. Here’s a VHS Cam article on Tech Crunch. Here’s a link to our instagram video post (embed code wouldn’t work. boo!):

NOVA Annandale Library Instagram