Category Archives: Notices

Earth Day 2015!

Annandale Earth Day Book Display

Come to the library to check out the interesting and informative books on display about being Green!! This Earth Day (and everyday!) The library urges you to take responsibility for our environment and lend a hand!

Recycle, Reduce, Reuse and Remember to think Green!

Finals and Apples

This pup is studying! You should too!

Finals are just around the corner…like in two weeks! This may frighten you, but have no fear! The Annandale Campus library will be here to put your mind at ease.

We have special finals week events to keep you relaxed and stress free! Just remember to check back with us as time gets closer for details.

In other news: the library will soon be getting more iPad Air 2s! More Apple goodness to spread around. Checkout them out at the circulation desk for a 3 day loan.

Historical View of April 14th

Image from


  • President Abraham Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theatre in 1865.
  • The Titanic hit the iceberg that would end up sinking the “unsinkable” ship in 1912.
  • The first Webster’s dictionary was printed in 1818.
  • Katharine Hepburn and Barbra Streisand ties for Best Actress at the 41st Annual Academy Awards in 1969.
  • The first piece of mail was delivered by Pony Express in 1860.


What an interesting day, eh? Since it’ll be raining all day anyway, why not come down to the library and research some of these topics!

Graphic Designers’ Corner

Credit Goes to Glantz Design:

One of my favorite things to do when I have down time is to jump on CS6 and create some gifs or images (see our Spring City post for a dog wearing rabbit ears).

We have a lot of students here at NOVA taking graphic design classes and have major talent, who would benefit from our Digital Media Studio. Book some time and enjoy the following programs:

  • Adobe CS 6
  • Audacity
  • Garage Band
  • Pyro Audio Creator
  • Camtasia
  • Photostory
  • Final Cut Pro
  • iMovie
  • Quicktime Pro
  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Photoshop
  • Gimp


Spring City!

spring cityThe weather is nice, the trees and flowers are in bloom and you are almost at the end of the semester! What’s is there not to love about spring time?

Since we are coming upon the end of the semester, we would just like to remind students that the study rooms have been filling up quickly. If you want to reserve a room, you can do so by going to this site: Annandale Group Study and filling out your information. You can book rooms up to two weeks in advance.

Just be sure to read through the rules and have your NOVA ID when you check in at circulation!