Category Archives: Notices

World Book Day!

Today you may be looking for something to do on this snow day. Why not read?! Our friends across the pond are celebrating World Book Day today and you can join in the fun too! Pick up your favorite book and settle in while the snow falls. If you really want to get crazy, invite some of your friends over for a book character costume party!


Tablet Time-Out

Hey there! We hope you have been enjoying the use of Annandale Library’s tablet selection! We want to circulate our iPads, Nexus, Venue 8 and Kindle to as many students as possible.

Go check one out now, while you can, because the last day for loan before spring break is Wednesday, March 4th. We will be making some adjustments (adding apps, updating and general cleaning).

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 4.51.36 PMDon’t fret, the tablets will be back after spring break!

Let’s Time Travel!

The world around us has changed over and over again through the years. To view the past you can go to archaeological dig sites, read history book, etc. They say you don’t know where you are going unless you know where you’ve been. So have you ever wondered what the Annandale campus looked like in the 60s and 70s?

One of the most interesting features found on the Annandale campus is the NOVA History Collection. It just so happens to be located in the library (the CG building, in case you forgot!).

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If you want experience using primary sources for your classes, (journalism, english, history) this is a great resource. Check out the digitized pictures and documents from Annandale’s past. Even if you don’t need to use the archive for work, it’s still fun to browse the pictures and see some silly 70s clothes!

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Databases and You. It’s Easier Than You Think!

You may be in need of an article for a research paper right now and if you are, read on! We’ll show you where to go and give you an example of an easy database to use.

First, start off by going to the Library’s home page at and click on the “Articles” tab.


Once you click on the database, you will see the search box. Play around with the search terms you use to get the desire results.


This is just the tip of the research iceberg! Please come into the library and visit the reference desk if you want to learn more or have any questions!