Category Archives: Notices

Rebel Rebel!


Taking a photography class this semester or just want to take great photos for a special occasion? Ask our circulation staff about the Canon Rebel. We have two in circulation and they are three day loans!

Be on the lookout this spring for more great photography equipment!

Laptop Kiosk

Coming SoonA new way to get laptops from the library is nearly ready to roll out! The laptop kiosk will be a self-service, easy and fast way to borrow Dells and Macs.

We can’t give an exact date on the start-up, but we have technicians working night and day on this (really we do!).


Large Print? No Problem!

We have our new Digital Book Magnifier ready to use in the library!.

With a 22 in. LED monitor and a great digital camera, small print will no longer be your enemy!

It is located on the “Tech” side of the library, along the right wall. Please feel free to contact our library tech specialist, Carla (that’s me!), if you have any questions.

book mag

Gadgets and Gizmos

Looking for a new tablet to try? Give the Dell Venue 8 a spin!


We also have the Monoprice Graphic Drawing Tablet available for use in the Media Center!


To book time in our Media Center, follow this link:

Both items are available at circulation. If you have any questions about the technology, please email the library’s Technology Specialist Carla White: