Category Archives: Notices

Book Spine Haiku Contest 2019

—————- Time to Vote for the 2nd Annual People’s Choice Award ——————-

Come to the Annandale Library Lobby this week and vote for your favorite Book Spine Haiku. More than 40 students, faculty and staff have entered the contest. We need you to come and help us select the poem that will win the People’s Choice Award. Voting is open until Friday April 19. Then, join us on Tuesday April 30, 2019 at 2p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Annandale Campus Library for a reception with refreshments, tea, and awards to honor all our book spine haiku poets. #ANCampus #haiku

Submitted by Paula DeRoy


Dr. Braddlee, Dean at AN Learning & Technology Resources, contributed one of his favorite poems for the Poem-a-Day event. It is “The Great Figure” by William Carlos Williams (1883-1963). William was an American poet and a medical doctor. An American watercolorist, Charles Demuth ( 1883-1935) created a painting “I saw the Figure 5 in Gold”, using imaginary from William’s poem. The painting is available from the Metropolitan Museum Art:

The Great Figure

By William Carlos Williams

Among the rain
and lights
I saw the figure 5
in gold
on a red
to gong clangs
siren howls
and wheels rumbling
through the dark city.

Thanks Dr. Braddlee. Enjoy and have a great week, everyone!

Submitted by Supie Wolf


To celebrate National Poetry Month, the library staff at Annandale Campus created a Poem-a-Day wall in the staff room and have posted their favorite poems (or even their own poems). The poem, “LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW”, is written by our circulation manager, Phoebe Brackett. Enjoy this Spring with beautiful poems.

NOVA Reads & Eats

The March Book Chat brought together some of our favorite regulars along with quite a few new members. Our NOVA Reads community is now over one hundred members strong!

The best thing about the Book Chats is that a self-selected community is forming. Every month the attendees get together to talk about books and eat. Maybe we should be called NOVA Reads and Eats!

The beauty of a community college is that people from so many diverse backgrounds attend. And, as an added bonus – this group likes to read! NOVA Reads Book Chats are a place where you might meet somebody you might not typically talk with. For example, this month we talked with an interesting guy who is reading Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations for fun, and a woman who finished her 6 books in just two months. 

Success doesn’t require rich parents pulling strings, it just takes a little initiative to take advantage of the opportunities and supports that are available right here on the Annandale Campus.   

We hope you will drop by the next Book Chat on April 23rd at 2:00 PM in the library. Everyone is welcome. Meet new people, discover new books. 

Submitted by Paula DeRoy

Book Spine Haiku Contest 2019

Do you Haiku?
In celebration of National Poetry Month, the Annandale Campus Library, CG 3rd floor, announces that its Second Annual Book Spine Haiku Contest is officially open.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to peruse the library’s book shelves and choose three books whose titles create a Haiku poem when they are stacked together. (Traditional Haiku of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables is encouraged but not required to enter) Just bring your 3 library books to either the Circulation or Research Help and Information desk and fill out an entry form.

Deadline for entries is 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 12th.

Winners will be announced at the NOVA Reads Book Chat on Tuesday, April 23.  An awards reception will be held in the library on Tuesday, April 30 to honor the contestants. There will be prizes for Best Student, Best Faculty/Staff, Best In Show, and People’s Choice Haikus.  All entries will be on display in the library lobby beginning April 15 with People’s Choice voting until April 19.

Submitted by Kevin Simons