October Library Displays

Become an informed citizen and exercise your right to vote! Check out our Election Book Display in the library (3rd floor of the CG building), and read about the election and more!

Halloween arrives soon, but it isn’t too late to get in the “spirit” of this holiday.  If you are looking for books to help you get ready, or to get you in the Halloween mood, check out the display at the library entrance (between the group study rooms).  It features scary books – classics and recent bestsellers.

Posted on behalf of Erika Sollosi and Bill Fleming.

Banned Books Week

Two ESL students and Professor Nuhn provided commentary for 2012’s Banned Books Week. ESL students’ involvement in Banned Books Week goes back a long way, and their podcasts for it began in 2009.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the national observance regarding the freedom to read. The American Library Association is the major sponsor. Banned Books Week for 2012 spans September 30 to October 6.

Please click on the links below to listen to the commentary. The files are in mp3 format. Thanks to Professor Nuhn for sharing these podcasts with the library!

Prof. Nuhn’s commentary

Nafia’s commentary

Kei’s commentary

Technology Petting Zoo–A Success!

Yesterday, the library held its second technology zoo.

The technology zoo spotlights equipment and programs previously undiscovered by students, such as our iPod Touches, our Kindles, our video and still cameras.

Visitors were offered Teddy Grahams to embolden their spirits. Although quite a few students were wary of the new technology species, we had a few brave students who were willing to get up close and personal to our fearsome equipment.

Our technology zoo was a success! No animals (or equipment) were harmed.

Want to know more about the equipment and programs the library offers through the Media Center? Contact Robin Pachtman or stop by the library today and talk to a staff member!

Technology Petting Zoo

DATE: Wednesday, September 12

TIME: 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

The library’s multimedia technology petting zoo returns. Everyone is invited to a hands-on opportunity to explore all the technology that is available for students and staff to borrow. Check out our Kindles, iPod Touches, Cameras, DVD/CD players, MP3 players, and more. Or drop by for our very own videos using lotsa happening apps. Even better, have a snack.