
What would you do?

As part of our book display series about finance, the library asked visitors this very important question:

“If you won the lottery, what would you do?”

Below are several of the interesting responses we received:

I would move to help children and poor people around the world.

I would just keep enough money to live a simple life and give the rest to children or create and organization that will help them.

Travel–get a sports car [and] drive around the country.

Pay off debts, give a few friends cars or money, setup college fund for my son, put some in stocks, EFTs, mutual funds. Take a month off, go on vacation. Buy a few t hings for myself and family. Buy my husband a new car. Have some [money] in the bank, pay for my schooling and books and set up a nest egg for later.

Here’s the kicker:

I’d pay off my debt, buy a rocketship, and become the first person to send a oat into outer space.

What would YOU do if you won the lottery?