From November 13th-17th, Community College Initiative (CCI) Program participants celebrated International Education Week (IEW) 2023, a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to raise awareness and celebrate the benefits of international education. This year’s theme, “International Education is the Future,” explores the various ways that international education is driving our global society into the future.
Students at nine CCI Program partner institutions across the United States participated in IEW by celebrating their cultures and the opportunities that international education grant to exchange students and their local communities.
The CCI Program’s newest partner, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, kicked off International Education Week on November 15th by hosting a cultural fashion show, talent show, and cultural booths, where the cohort shared their customs and traditions as part of BCTC’s Global Learning Festival. The College of DuPage had a multi-day celebration, starting on November 13th, where students provided cultural programming for Marklund, a non-profit organization that provides services to people with disabilities. Students also participated in a Global Education Fair, presented about their countries, and hosted a cultural potluck.
The Fox Valley Technical College cohort led individual presentations across three days, where students introduced unique characteristics about their countries, such as cuisine, wildlife, geography, and more. Kirkwood Community College students held three events, including an international coffee and tea session, an international showcase, and a global food potluck, where they had the opportunity to share traditional beverages and food while engaging with community members. The Northampton Community College cohort participated throughout the 5-day celebration, beginning on November 13th with a flag progression and a “Talk of the World” event, where representatives from each country introduced themselves and talked about their personal experiences as exchange students. In addition, they held poster presentations, a potluck, an international bazaar, and a fashion show and talent showcase.
Northern Virginia Community College – Alexandria students led a cultural posterboard session and helped facilitate an intercultural communication workshop and global Friendsgiving potluck. The Northern Virginia Community College – Annandale cohort hosted a “Travel Around the World” cultural festival and participated in a workshop titled “The Future is Open,” where they addressed opportunities and challenges that international students are currently facing.
For IEW, the Mesa Community College cohort participated in an open house with the International Education Office and hosted an international education festival, where they shared information about their countries and celebrated their cultures through a fashion and talent show. They also joined the Maricopa Global Leadership Retreat for International Students, which hosted students throughout the district at Gateway Community College. Sinclair Community College students engaged in a movie discussion of Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom and got involved in the college’s international fair, which included international dance performances and teas and candies from several countries. Lastly, they hosted a “Learn about the CCI Program” session. The Valencia College cohort celebrated IEW at the Orange County Diwali Festival of Lights Celebration, where they volunteered and distributed sweets. The festival was executed by the Central Floridians of Indian descent and offered a time for families, friends, and community members to come together.

The Valencia College cohort celebrated IEW at the Orange County Diwali Festival of Lights Celebration
Throughout this week-long event, CCI participants had the opportunity to share and learn about other cultures and engage with their communities through informative and exciting activities. Although this celebration lasts one week, students continue to educate others about their cultures and interact with community members throughout their exchange journey, which leaves a lasting impact even after they return home. International Education Week is an opportunity for everyone to learn, no matter who they are and how much they know; it’s a celebration of equality, learning, and cultural exchange.
Written by Holly Calhoun, Alumni Relations & Communications Coordinator