Halloween Donuts and Coffee

Come on by Bisdorf library entrance area to grab yourself a spooky donut paired with a cup of coffee.  Donuts and coffee are on a donation basis. All proceeds will go back to our chapter to host future events.

Please click on link to for flier: PTK Donut

PTK Throwback: August 30 PTK Tabeling on a HOT day.

It was a hot summer day drenched in sweat within the shade with a towering heat index of 115 degrees. Many tabling events did not use outdoor tents, but made its refuge within the shade of the building. The event had a sparse amount of onlookers as they were attracted to a lower GPA organizations. The Student Life person stood by our table along with his multitude of iPads and PA equipments discombobulated by the heat. The Honor Society presented some trinkets and candies as our table had just brochures, balloons and candies as well. We also attracted people with free bottle of water as they were inquisitive about our organization. However, there were no fish that just jumped into our net. As The Law of Average says, ” for every 99 clients you ask to join only one will join.” Out of 30 students we asked, only 15 signed up with us. And that is more than %100 of LOA! There were a few that thought about it as our GPA standards intimidated the average achievers. However, the “Feel”,”Felt”, “Found” method was used in order to relate to their situation, “I know how you feel, many people I talked to felt they made horrible GPAs, but this is what I found.” This worked on students that were skeptical of their inner potential to have higher GPA. Unlike branding our label, we personalize and use relation methods. We are looking forward to do more tabling events and recruit more students as we venture outside campus to make an impact on the community.

Highlight of the day: Tau Nu President Fall 2018

Said El Hamdani is a student majoring in Business Administration and Information Technology and is looking to transfer to George Washington. He is currently the President of Tau Nu Chapter of PTK and he previously served as the Web Master Officer of the Tau Nu Chapter. He is the executive Vice president of the National Society the of Collegiate Scholars. As part of PTK, Mr. El Hamdani has attended Regional and International Leadership Conventions and he is also currently a recipient of the Valley Proteins Fellows Program. As part of the Valley Proteins Fellow Program Scholarship, Mr. El Hamdani has had the opportunity to take part in various leadership classes, which have helped him strengthen his leadership skills. He is a member of Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), CompTIA Member and is also a member the Honors Society Strength & Honor. He also currently volunteers as a computer instructor at Computer CORE. Mr El Hamdani is always coming up with high standards for projects in the community.

Posters for future agenda and Marketing

PTK worked tirelessly in order to come up with a plan to use marketing strategies: One is construct and update the chapter’s official website; Second is to seek opportunities to create innovative and interactive programs on website or in person to attract membership involvement and showcase chapter goals and activities. But most of all, graphic design posters which is the prime focus for marketing the reputation of an organization. As it was stated, “first impression is the lasting impression.” Every marketing firm will tell you that one.

Several marketing strategies involved the Intro (SEE Factor), presentation, Close, and Rehash. The SEE factor is Smile, Enthusiasm and Excitement that PTK Tau Nu use for branding our organization. Presentation is how we present our lasting impression about how we look and the knowledge of our product. Close is getting their information of potential candidates for PTK. Rehash is to remind them of meetings and followups on PTK events.

Our future plan for these posters is to visit nursing home on Thanksgiving Day and try to show old people that they are PTK minded. We are also planning to find a high school that is not in good standing and to show them that college is very important and also be involved in community services. We planned to make a trifold poster for any event and hopefully we will make a lasting impression of potential candidates.

Tau Nu Mass Media Flyers

Thanks to the PTK and team as we made an effort to work together to put out flyers at this college. Weather It was a hot afternoon or a stormy Monday, Tau Nu needs to be viral in order to rise up and make ourselves known. We had designed a donut flyer along with our Tau Nu Leadership statement stating that we Tau Nu Officers of Fall 2018 will make a difference! We are hard at work to pick-up Tau Nu and let it sore to its glory to its rightful 5 Star throne.

Many thanks to Munzir and Said that they worked together to get this project done on time. They had showed leadership and inspiration to us officers. Marco had designed and also donated $30 for PTK to get perfect quality posters from Walgreens. Zainab and Ashmita was the prime supporter and the backbone of this project. We Tau Nu will not be trodden down and will strive for number one!

Donut sales for Tau Nu sores through the roof!

Its been many months since we had this opportunity to reach starving morning students. The profits from donut selling was such a blessing that we thought of adding another day in a week to raise more money.

Every Monday, officers woke up early for preparation of coffee, napkins, signs, etc in the middle of entrance by the library, as students walked by tempted by its colorful sweet smelling aroma of donuts. Mornings were slow due to class hours, but as soon as 9-10AM hits, it picked up very fast. Professors and school staff were enchanted by its delicacy as we converted the first-timers to return customers. The return of invested time and money doubled our profit as our hopes to use this fund for international convention increases.

Fall 2017 Induction Ceremony

Hello Tau Nu Members,

Our Fall Induction Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017. Come and join us in celebrating the induction of new members this fall. Remember to bring family and friends as your guests.

The Ceremony begins at 7 pm in Bisdorf Auditorium, AA 196 on the Alexandria campus. We are excited to announce that Mr. Jason Middough, Northern Virginia Community College Board Member, has agreed to be our keynote speaker. Refreshments will be provided after the ceremony.

Q&A Orientation III

New And Prospective Members Orientation Session

The PTK officers of the Tau Nu chapter will hold several Orientation Q&A sessions at the Alexandria cafeteria.

New and Prospective Members Orientation

Hello New and Prospective PTK Members,

The PTK officers of the Tau Nu chapter will hold several Orientation Q&A sessions at the Alexandria cafeteria. If you are available, come and ask your questions, meet the current PTK officers, or simply say hello.

Here are the dates:

Wednesday, Oct 11 from 3:30-6:30PM

Thursday, Oct 12 from 11-12:30, and 7-8:30PM.

Remember, you can check you eligibility at the PTK Honor Society Website. Eligible students should have already received an email invitation. If you believe you are eligible, but have not received an invitation, let the PTK officers know, or contact directly one of the Tau Nu Adivsors.