Tag Archives: Workforce Development Division

Third Installment of Workforce Development Learning Series


(L-R, The Honorable William A. Hazel, Jr. MD, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia, Julie Veratti, Advisor for the U.S. Small Business Administration and William Gary, Vice-President Workforce Development Division)
(L-R, The Honorable William A. Hazel, Jr. MD, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia, Julie Veratti, Advisor for the U.S. Small Business Administration and William Gary, Vice-President Workforce Development Division)


On May 17, the Workforce Development Division hosted the third installment of the Workforce Industry Building Learning Series. The purpose of the series is to build the Workforce Development Division business services brand within the Northern Virginia business community. The theme for the latest event was healthcare reform. Executives representing a cross-section of the Northern Virginia business community attended the lunch discussion titled “Moving Forward with Healthcare Reform” at Annandale’s Ernst Center.

The featured speaker was The Honorable William A. Hazel, Jr., Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia. Also participating in the discussion was Julie Veratti, advisor for the U.S. Small Business Administration. Hazel discussed detailed steps the state of Virginia is taking to implement the Affordable Care Act, while Veratti discussed the potential impact the new health care law will have on Northern Virginia businesses. They both addressed questions from an audience of more than 120.

A feedback survey was also conducted and according to the data the demand for events like this is very strong as nearly 95 percent of attendees said they would attend future Workforce Industry Building Learning Series events at NOVA. There are spinoff plans for the Workforce Development Division to host a monthly Business Series in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business Administration set to begin in July 2013.

Workforce Development Division Offers Cyber Security Online Courses

The Workforce Development Division now offers a variety of Cyber Security Online Courses.  Our courses are designed for the practicing IT professional, using up-to-date content and state of the art technology.  Gain relevant skills and knowledge quickly to advance your career.  CEUs are awarded upon successful completion.   Visit our website below for more information and to register http://www.nvcc.edu/wdce/annandale/courses/onlinelearning/

Workforce Development Division Offers “Resiliency in the Workplace”

The Workforce Development Division will host a one day workshop teaching ways to foster valuable resiliency skills that are vital in today’s workplace.  Stress in the workplace isn’t new, but today’s rapid-fire pace has brought job stress to new levels.  Many people are dealing with increased workloads, decreased benefits, and worries about job security.  On top of this, the growing use of technology makes it hard to “unplug.”  This workshop is designed for individuals or groups from any occupation.  You’ll leave with skills to persevere, adapt, and even thrive in your job!

To register for this one-day workshop please visit our website www.nvcc.edu/wdce/annandale and select the Resiliency in the Workplace program or call 703-323-3053 if you have any questions.


Workforce Development Division Hosts Workforce Industry Building Learning Series Project Management Event

On Thursday, April 18 the Workforce Development Division hosted the 2nd Installment of the Workforce Industry Building Learning Series.  The purpose of this series is to build the Workforce Development Division business services brand with the Northern Virginia business community.  The theme for this event was Project Management.  Executives representing a cross-section of the Northern Virginia business community attended the dinner presentation, entitled “Making Implementation of PMP Best Practices Affordable,” at Annandale’s Ernst Center.  The keynote speaker was Matthew Weaver, who is PMP, CSM and UTIL certified.  Mr. Weaver is also considered one of the top authorities on the topic of Project Management.  He discussed detailed steps businesses can take to integrate project management methodology into their core business processes.   Based on a feedback survey 100% of the attendees found the event “informative and interesting.”

The demand for events like this is very strong as nearly 90% of attendees said they would attend future NOVA learning series events. Several attendees expressed appreciation to Workforce Development Division staff for producing this informative business outreach opportunity and would like to work with the Workforce Development Division in developing training programs for their organizations.   As a result of the strong interest generated by series attendees, the Workforce Development Division will continue to host Workforce Industry Building Learning events around topics of critical interest to the Northern Virginia business community.

Workforce Development Division to Host “Workforce Industry Building Learning Series” Luncheon

We are hosting a business luncheon presentation entitled “Moving Forward with Healthcare Reform”. The event will take place on Friday, May 17, 2013 from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM at the Ernst Cultural Center on NOVA’s Annandale Campus. The luncheon will be an interactive discussion with the Honorable William A. Hazel, Jr. MD, the Secretary of Health and Human Resources of the Commonwealth of Virginia on Healthcare Reform and the implications for your business. In addition, Julie Verratti, Small Business Administration Advisor, will be present to address any questions you may have pertaining to the Affordable Care Act and its impact on your business.  Cost for the luncheon is $10 and seating is limited. Register today at our website below.
