Beginning Fall 2018, all mathematics courses offered at NOVA will have new numbers. Here is a link to a comparison table:
Loser-Savkar Women in Science PaTHS Scholarship
The Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation and the College Financial Aid Office are pleased to announce the availability of the Loser-Savkar Women in Science PaTHS Scholarship listed below for the Summer 2018 and Fall 2018 Semesters. The scholarship was established to encourage completion of the AS in Science degree at NOVA and to support science-related career paths for women.
The scholarship is designed to help full-time or part-time female students who are in a science-related curriculum as part of an AS in Science degree program at NOVA. Students must have have a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher, and have completed at least 24 credits at NOVA with at least 12 science credits in BIO, CHM, ENV, GOL, NAS, and PHY courses. Up to 6 science course credits earned at other institutions or through testing programs are acceptable if they appear on the student’s NOVA transcript.
The scholarship is in the amount of $1,000 and can be applied to tuition and course materials for the summer and fall 2018.
The deadline for application is February 16, 2018. For more details about the scholarship are posted onthe Loser-Savkar Scholarship page. To apply for the Scholarship, go directly to the NOVA Educational Foundation scholarships page.