Mason Transfer Information Session

Hello Alexandria students,

We will have a Mason’s admission representative visiting our campus to discuss transfer and admission requirements. If you have questions or simply wish to learn more about transfer to Mason, stop by room AA 196 of Bisdorf Building on Thursday, Feb. 8 , 11:30 – 1:00 pm.

The Campus contact person for this event is Michael Donnelly who can be reached at


NOVA students attend CUWiP at George Washington University

NOVA students with interest in physics, engineering, or other physical sciences attended the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics organized by the George Washington University and sponsored by the American Physical Society. The conference took place  from January 12th to 14th, 2018, at GW’s downtown Washington DC campus. Student had opportunity to visit NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center on Friday, and attend plenary talks, workshops, and poster sessions on Saturday and Sunday.

Students from the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Northern Virginia attended. More than 10 NOVA female science students attended most of them having taking their classes at the Alexandria and Loudoun campuses.

The plenary speakers included Kawtar Hafidi from Argonne National Laboratory, Patricia Burchat from Stanford University, Nancy Jo Nicholas from Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Luz Martinez-Miranda from University of Maryland. Students could choose among concurrent workshops on transfer from 2-yr to 4-yr institutions, how to succeed in non-academic science-related job, and how to find support for under-represented minorities in physics. The expenses of attendances including meals and accommodation were covered by the organizers for all our NOVA students who were able to enjoy this unique opportunity completely free of charge.


Spring 2018 Courses and Syllabi

Spring 2018

Phy 101 – Estefania Coluccio Leskow

Phy 130 – John Pavco

Phy 150 – Cathy Bunge

Phy 201 – Walter Wimbush

Phy 201 – Jifi Shojan

Phy 202 – Walter Wimbush

Phy 202 – Estefania Coluccio Leskow – Schedule

Phy 231 – Alejandro de la Puente

Phy 231 – Catherine Rastovski

Phy 231 – Branislav Djordjevic

Phy 232 – Walter Wimbush

Phy 232 – Tatiana StantchevaGradingSchedule

Phy 232 – Sugata Chowdhury

8th Annual Mathematics Contest

The Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Division at the Alexandria campus is holding its 8th Annual Mathematics Contest on Nov. 14, 2017. The event will take place in the Bisdorf Building of the Alexandria campus, room AA 196 from 2 to 4 pm. Come, challenge your mathematics knowledge and abilities, and win prizes.

The prizes include Gift Cards in the range of $50 – $100. All winners will receive Certificate of Recognition.

The Competition has two parts. Part 1 is at the pre-calculus level. All students currently enrolled in MTH 163, MTH 164, or MTH 166 are eligible to participate. Topics cover the first three chapters of Precalculus by Blitzer.

Part 2 is MTT Competition and is open to students enrolled in the developmental mathematics courses. You will be using Kahoot! for the MTT part of the competition.

If you are planning to participate, don’t forget to bring your own mobile device!

For questions or registration, contact Prof. Haddam by phone 703 845 6268 or via email



Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics comes to DC

Hello NOVA Women in Physics, Physical Sciences, or Engineering!
The Physics Department at the Alexandria campus has been collaborating with the George Washington University on bringing an APS-sponsored Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) in January 2018. The application is now open and closes on Friday, October 13, 2017.

What, Where, and When

If you are a woman studying physics or related field at NOVA, you have the unique opportunity to attend CUWiP in January hosted by the George Washington University.  You do not really need to be a declared Physics major, only be taking or have taken Physics classes, and be interested in career opportunities in Physics.
The conference is sponsored by the American Physical Society and is hosted by the George Washington University. It runs Friday evening, January 12, till Sunday afternoon, January 14,  2018.


Lodging and meals will be provided for participants who are accepted to the conference. In the past, CUWiP has been able to ensure that nearly all students had travel support either through their department or through the conference. For inquiries, email

How To Apply And More Information

Here is the original letter of invitation to apply.  More information about the conference is available at:

Deadline to apply is Friday, October 13, 2017.

For questions or other inquiries, feel free to email the organizer, Prof. Evangeline Downie at The contact person at NOVA is the Assistant Dean for Physics at the Alexandria campus, Prof. Tatiana Stantcheva

JKC Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship

Hello everyone,

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship deadline is approaching soon. The deadline for submission of complete application is October 24, 2017 at noon ET.

The Interim Dean of the MSE Division is holding an Information Session on Tuesday, Sep. 12, Noon – 2 pm in the MSE Divsion Office, AA 352. If you are a student planning to apply, or a faculty contacted for a recommendation, stop by to learn more about the process and the resources available on campus.

You can also read more details on the JKC Foundation website . If you want to find out what specific resources are available to students and faculty at the Alexandria campus to help with the application process, check out the  JKC Scholarship site.

Solar Eclipse Is Coming To Alexandria!

Hello Alexandria folks!

Are you planning to be outside Monday afternoon on August 21st? Don’t miss the Great American Eclipse of 2017. You might have to wait quite a long time before you get another chance. Check out here to see when is the next time you can see an eclipse in North America.

It has been indeed a long time since a full eclipse swept across the entire United States.  And now, we are right smack in the middle of it. Well, somewhat in the middle of it! It actually misses us by 400 miles. If you want to get the full experience, you will have to drive down all the way to South Carolina. For the rest of us who remain here for the first day of fall classes, the eclipse will be only partial.

What, When, Where

According to the United States Naval Observatory, we get to enjoy a partial eclipse of 81% here at Alexandria on Monday, August 21. It begins at 1:17 pm and it ends at 4:01 pm. The maximum will occur between 2:41 and 2:43 pm. Here is a short  simulation that gives an idea of what to expect.

The How Of It

Remember: do NOT  look directly at the Sun without proper protective eyeware. Unfortunately, all safety shades have been sold out everywhere for at least a week (and yes, that includes even online vendors).  The good news is that you can still enjoy the eclipse even without shades.

Just bring two sheets of opaque cardboard paper with you and get ready to look down at the ground rather than up in the sky. Place the first sheet on the ground, that will be your screen on which you will be viewing the eclipse. Make a small round tiny hole (with a needle, pushpin, etc.) on the second piece paper, hold it above the first paper and project the solar eclipse through the hole. Here is a nice detailed explanation of how to do it.

A Bit Of Science


So, how exactly do solar eclipses occur? In short, it happens because of an interesting coincidence.  Even though the Moon is about 400 smaller in diameter than the Sun, it is actually 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun. So, on Earth both bodies appear to have the same size. When the Moon crosses in front of the Sun during its motion, it blocks it from view.  You can read more about the conditions in this easy-to-read popular article describing why we get solar eclipses.

See For Yourself

A solar eclipse is not only an astronomical phenomenon. There are plenty of exciting things happening on the ground, as well. The day darkens. If the eclipse is close to full, you might even see stars in the sky. The temperature drops. The birds change their chirping.  If you are next to trees, you can see tiny little crescents appear on the ground:  the pinhole images produced by holes in the leaves.  In short, there will be plenty to see during the eclipse.  And, if you want to help NASA, contribute your eclipse observations through the Globe Observer app.