Día de los Muertos

The Mexican Cultural Institute is hosting its Annual Day of the Dead Altar Open House on Saturday, November 2nd from 12-4 p.m. If you have never visited the institute, it is well worth the trip. It is housed in an old mansion with murals and other great finds. The address is 2829 16th Street NW DC. For more information visit http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=2adc3b521559b665bcef5a379&id=a9058f0ac8&e=12113f1a55hacer-calavera-de-azucar-para-el-dia-de-muertos

S.A.L.S.A. Potluck

From the mole to the guacamole, the empanadas colombianas to the guatemaltecas and the arroz mexicano to the arroz con leche, the potluck lunch sponsored by S.A.L.S.A. was a success. Thank you to those who prepared the food and to those who came to enjoy it. Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!








Celebremos el Mes de Herencia Hispana

Hispanic Heritage Celebration


Monday, October 7th (12:00pm – 2pm)

Hispanic Student Panel

Location: AA196

Join us for a dynamic discussion with current NOVA students

as they share their stories. Questions strongly encouraged!

*FREE Food


Tuesday, October 8th (2pm-4pm)

FREE Salsa Lessons & Contest

Location: AA127A

Come learn the basics of Cuban Salsa and put your new dance skills to the test!


Wednesday, October 9th (2pm-4pm)

Potluck Social

Location: AA158

Enjoy Hispanic Cuisine! Bringing a potluck is optional.


Thursday, October 17th (12pm-4pm)

Hispanic Heritage Celebration

Location: Cafeteria

FREE food, live performances, games, and PRIZES!!!

Join S.A.L.S.A.

amo el espanol

Here is a message from the S.A.L.S.A. President Jordan Floranz:

My name is Jordan Floranz and I am the current president of S.A.L.S.A. Thank you for having interest in the club. S.A.L.S.A’s Mission is to build and unite students/staff all around NOVA. However, you do not need to be Hispanic or Spanish to join this club. S.A.L.S.A is for everyone who has interest of learning and having fun throughout the semester. The first general meeting for S.A.L.S.A is Wednesday, September 4th at 2:00 p.m. in Room Bisdorf 131.

We will talk about the club’s goals and plan upcoming events for this semester. Also, I need your help to help S.A.L.S.A become an established club again. The club needs officers (Secretary & a Treasurer). I will discuss this on the first meeting. So are you ready to be apart of S.A.L.S.A? -Jordan Floranz


S.A.L.S.A Leaders & Advisors

President: Jordan Floranz

Vice President: Kelly Ramirez

Facutly Advisors: Martha Davis & Amanda Trostle

SPA 205: Spanish for Heritage Speakers

hand with flags

SPA 205 – Spanish for Heritage Speakers
Fall 2013, MW 5:30-6:55, 3 credits (Class ID 51136)

• Do you speak Spanish at home? ⇐⇒ ¿Hablas español en casa?
• Are you Spanish-English bilingual? ⇐⇒ ¿Eres bilingüe?
• Do you want to improve your Spanish? ⇐⇒ ¿Quieres mejorar tu español?
• Do you want to train for your career? ⇐⇒ ¿Te quieres preparar para tu carrera?

Course Description:

“Spanish for Heritage Speakers” is a course designed for students who already have some background in the language. The main objectives for the course are to (re-)familiarize yourself with the written form of the language and to expand on your existing knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures. The course also focuses on reading comprehension, spelling, and key grammatical structures that will help students to strategically construct well-written texts tailored to their needs.

Students will explore the past and present of Spanish-speaking countries in order to further enrich their knowledge of this heritage. Students should have completed through Spanish 202 or have the equivalent ability in Spanish. This course is also an ideal option for students who have completed an AP or IB course in Spanish in high school. Non-heritage speakers with the appropriate level are also welcome.

For more information: contact Professor Arana at earana@nvcc.edu or call (703)933-3986

NEW Humanities Course for Fall 2013: The Hispanic Short Story

A new Humanities course is being offered at the Alexandria Campus for Fall 2013. HUM 295: The Hispanic Short Story will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Authors include Emilia Pardo Bazán, Jorge Luis Borges, Sandra Cisneros and others from Latin America, Spain and the U.S. All readings will be available (for free!) in English and Spanish, depending on the student’s preference. Please contact Professor Martha Davis (mdavis@nvcc.edu) for more information.