Grading Policies

Grading Scale:  A: 90% or above; B: 80 – 89%; C: 70-79%; D: 60- 69%

Course Grade Total of 100 points. The course grade is comprised of Laboratory (40%), Exams (60%).

Lab Grade 40 pts.

Each lab is 4 pts total: ontime (1pt); work (1pt); accurate results (1 pt); report/assignments (1pt)

No late assignments are accepted.  There are no make-up labs. One extra lab will be provided.

Students must adhere to the lab policies or else they will be required to leave the physics lab room.

It is the responsibility of the students to check with the schedule of classes and to know which labs require protective goggles.

Exams Total 60 pts.

  • There will be five exams each worth 15 points.
  • The lowest exam grade is dropped.
  • The instructor will provide Formula Sheet. Students may print it out at home in advance, and bring it to class. No other formula sheets will be allowed.
  • During an exam, students may bring only a pen/pencil and an approved calculator.
  • Absolutely no electronic devices except approved calculators with blank memory, are allowed during an exam. Check with your instructor for a list of approved calculators.
  • No late or make-up exams will be given. For students who know in advance that they will not be able to take an exam at the scheduled time, an arrangement may be made for that exam to be taken at EARLIER time.