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ALEXANDRIA CAMPUS Green Club visits the National Geographic Museum

ALEXANDRIA CAMPUS Green Club visits the National Geographic Museum

On Saturday, November 15th Dr. Christine Bozarth and NOVA students visited the National Geographic Museum in an event sponsored by the Green Club, Alexandria campus’ student environmental group.  Students learned about our global food production system at the new exhibit, “FOOD: Our Global Kitchen”.

GC at Nat Geo kitchen (iv)This exhibit explores the complex and intricate food system, which brings our food from the farm to the table.  The tour encompasses the entire process from growing, transporting, cooking, eating, tasting and celebrating this key life essential.  The exhibition further illuminated how our world eats and explores the future of food.

The museum offered the students an opportunity to taste seasonal treats in the working kitchen, cook a virtual meal, see rare artifacts and peek into the dining rooms of famous figures throughout history.  Visitors also examined the intersection of food, nature, culture, health, traditions and history.

To follow the activities of the Green Club, please click “Like” on Facebook at and join our emailing list by emailing

The Green Club meets every Wednesday (except 11/26) at 1:30pm in Bisdorf AA-362-B.

Please come and join us.

Food exhibit (ii) GC students at Nat Geo (iii)


International Marketplace

Come experience the world flavor of NOVA and cultures from around the world.  Local vendors are available from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Don’t forget to purchase your UNIQUE Holiday gifts from NOVA’s International Marketplace, FINAL TWO DAYS!!!!

Start Date: Monday, November 17, 2014    IMG_1255
End Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014
Time: 11:00am5:00pm
Alexandria – Bisdorf
Room: 158

ACLI Student’s Seminar | “ILLUSTRATION meets TYPOGRAPHY”

ACLI Student’s Seminar | “ILLUSTRATION meets TYPOGRAPHY”

Workshop Poster Demir 2014 (i)

Please come join Professor Cigdem Demir, Gazi University Faculty of Fone Art, Visual Communication Design Department for an intriguing workshop on “Illustration meets Typography.”

This workshop & seminar will focus on merging illustration with typography, consisting of line-drawing and hand drawn patterns.

Date:               Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Time:              Starts at 3:00 p.m.
Location:      Tyler Building | AT-253

For more information contact  Associate Professor Çiğdem DEMİR |

ALEXANDRIA PROVOST conducts Fall Town Hall meetin

On November 10th , The Alexandria Campus Provost, Dr. Ronald Buchanan held his annual Town Hall meeting.   This meeting was open to all faculty, staff and NOVA personnel to present ideas, voice their opinions and to ask questions  directly of the Provost.

Dr. Buchanan

During this meeting, he outlined plans on the Presidential and campus Provost search, respectively, along with timelines; the budget, the growth situation and future campus plans.

Dr. Buchanan discussed the details and expectations for 2015 and beyond.  The Provost indicated a willingness to continue to work with faculty and staff to enhance Student Success and outcomes.

Dr. Buchanan II

nova logo alexandria campus

ALEXANDRIA CAMPUS host the AtD Directors

On October 29, the Directors of National Achieving the Dream (AtD), chaired by NOVA President Dr. Robert Templin, visited the Alexandria campus. Part of their visit included a student panel session of twenty students from various academic career paths. Dr. George Gabriel provided an overview of NOVAs preliminary progress with implementing the recent AtD Policy Changes. He discussed some preliminary findings with the program and anticipated our next steps with the process, which went into effect Fall 2014.

With more than 15-students (from various NOVA campuses: Alexandria, Loudoun and Woodbridge) sitting on the panel, the AtD Board members witnessed a conversation with Dr. Frances Villagran-Glover discussing the students varies paths to NOVA, their academic goals, their involvement on campus, as well as the impact of the recent policy changes on students.

Professor Laura Franklin commented, “As a faculty member at the Alexandria campus and at the Extended Learning Institute (ELI), I am always amazed at the determination coupled with hard work that leads to the success for our students. On this particular occasion, it was clear that students from very diverse educational experiences were united in the view that NOVA provides them a truly excellent educational experience coupled with a strong level of preparedness for their professional goals. I am glad that the AtD Board had the opportunity to hear their stories in person.”