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50th Anniversary NOVA Day of Service – May 6th

Comfort Cases

Hello NOVA!

As part of NOVA’s 50th Anniversary, and our campus theme of Come Home to Serve…..we are having a packing party for Comfort Cases and you are invited!

Thousands of children in Northern Virginia enter the foster care system each year. Most carry little more than the clothes on their backs. Comfort Cases is on a mission to provide essentials to help these brave children on their journey to find a home.   As part of our 50th Anniversary celebration: Come Home to Serve, Comfort Cases would like to request your participation in a Packing Party on May 6th from 10 AM – 12 PM at the Alexandria Campus Schlesinger Center.  Volunteers will assist organizing donated items and preparing cases for distribution.

If you can’t make it to the Packing Party, you can still participate!  We are also collecting items to go inside the comfort cases from 4/11 – 5/6/16.

Items can be dropped off at TILT (Bisdorf Building | AA-343).  Additional sites on campus will be announced soon.

Here’s a list of the items needed:

  • Back packs, duffle bags or small suitcase
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Pajamas or athletic pants/shorts & tees
  • Hair brush or Comb
  • Toothbrush & Toothpaste
  • Books
  • Travel Size Toiletries
  • Activity books & Crayons

Items for children over 10 years old would be especially appreciated.

To learn more about Comfort Cases, go to

Thanks so much for your support in this endeavor!

AL Campus 50th Anniversary Committee

Get Your Taxes Done For Free | AL Campus

Hello NOVA Students, Taxes done for free

Taxes need to be filed by April 15, 2016. If you still haven’t filed, tax preparation workshops are being held at the Alexandria campus.

IRS-certified volunteers will help ensure you receive the maximum tax refund and help determine if you are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is an FSA or Facilitated Self-Assistance Site, where volunteers will coach you as you file online. If you or your family earned less than $62,000 in 2015, you may qualify for this free service.

Dates: Friday, April 15, 2016
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Location: Bisdorf Building | Room: AA-414
Contact: Rachelle Thompson |
Link: (For more information and to register)