Tag Archives: boxing

Faculty Spotlight: Sarah Liberatore





I guess you can say I love to teach!   In addition to being a full-time instructor of Art History, I teach cardio kickboxing part-time for a local TKD studio and for Fairfax County Parks and Rec.

I started kickboxing 16 years ago and fell in love with it; I then decided to become a certified fitness instructor soon after the birth of my son in 2001.  I did my certification through AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) and started teaching kickboxing and then moved on to teach Boot Camp, Pilates, weight training, and Core classes, teaching part-time for facilities in the Northern Virginia area.

Currently, I teach kickboxing for Jhoon Rhee and have a fantastic group of students.  For me, there is nothing better to relieve stress then to punch a heavy bag and get a good sweat.  Exercise is so important for both the mind and the body – you feel better, sleep better, and have more energy and endurance, not to mention all the additional health benefits.  So students and staff, take time out to make exercise part of your daily routine.