Tag Archives: CST-227: Business and Professional Communication

CST-227: Business and Professional Communication

CST-227:  Business and Professional Communication

Time is running out to sign up for 2nd 8-week courses! 

Do you need a 2nd 8-week course? 3-Credits?  CST Credit?

Do you want to learn practical skills for any career?

Do you need to fulfill CST requirements?

Check out CST227: Business and Professional Communication!   We’ll study resume writing, interview skills, business proposals, and more!  This 3-credit hybrid course meets on Tuesdays.  It’s perfect for anyone who wants to be more competitive in their field!

Hurry!  The class begins March 17th!


Tuesdays:         12:30 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. (during the 2nd 8-weeks)


For more information contact  Professor Meredith Aquila MAQUILA@NVCC.EDU