
Spessartine is a member of the garnet family. Please see the garnet page for images and videos.

The garnet family also includes almandine,  grossular, and pyrope.

Physical Properties
Chemical formula Mn3Al2Si3O12
Class Nesosilicate
Crystal system Cubic
Habit Dodecahedral
Usually euhedral to subhedral
Color Pink to violet
Hardness 7
Specific gravity 4.19
Cleavage/fracture None/subconchoidal
Luster Resinous
Transparency Transparent to translucent
Streak White
Optical Properties
δ None; garnet is isotropic
PPL High relief
Colorless to very pale
May appear mottled grey
XPL Isotropic
after Perkins, 338-339

Further Reading

Spessartine at webmineral.com

Spessartine at mindat.org