If it’s very soft and feels a bit greasy and/or soapy, there’s a good chance it’s talc.
Physical Properties |
Chemical formula | Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 |
Class | Phyllosilicate Sheets of linked tetrahedra |
Crystal system | Monoclinic |
Habit | Usually massive Usually very fine-grained Rare tabular pseudohexagonal |
Color | Gray White |
Hardness | 1 |
Specific gravity | 2.8 |
Cleavage | Perfect basal (001) |
Fracture | Flexible |
Luster | Resinous Silky |
Transparency | Translucent |
Streak | White |
Optical Properties |
PPL | Colorless Non-pleochroic |
XPL | 1st order grays and yellows May appear smeared or poorly defined |
δ | 0.05 |
Special properties |
Soft, greasy feel |
after Perkins, 320 |
Talc in Hand Sample
A different talc
Talc in soapstone
Talc in Thin Section
Thin Section GigaPans
Talc, plane polars
Talc, crossed polars
Talc tremolite schist, plane polars
Talc tremolite schist, crossed polars