Rock group | Igneous |
Classification | Extrusive/volcanic |
Composition | Mafic |
Texture | Aphanitic |
Intrusive counterpart | Gabbro |
Common minerals | Plagioclase feldspar Pyroxenes Olivine |
Basalt GigaPans
Plain ol’ aphanitic black basalt
Amygdular basalt from Cornwall, PA
Precambrian-aged amygdaloidal basalt
Another Precambrian-aged amygdaloidal basalt
Porphyritic vesicular basalt from Mt. Vesuvius
A totally different amygdular basalt
Porphyritic vesicular basalt with olivine
Basalt in Thin Section
Basalt, plane polars
Basalt, crossed polars
Precambrian-aged amygdaloidal basalt, featuring huge euhedral calcite, in plane polars
Precambrian-aged amygdaloidal basalt, featuring huge euhedral calcite, in crossed polars
Precambrian-aged amygdaloidal basalt, featuring the zeolite mineral laumontite, plane polars
Precambrian-aged amygdaloidal basalt, featuring the zeolite mineral laumontite, crossed polars
Lunar sample 12002, plane polars
Lunar sample 12002, crossed polars
Lunar sample 12005, plane polars
Lunar sample 12005, crossed polars
The lunar samples were imaged by, and are used with the permission of, Paul Karabinos. NASA has brief but full descriptions of 12002 here and 12005 here. The Lunar and Planetary Institute hosts dozens of documentation photos of 12002 here and 12005 here, including photos of the hand samples from which they were cut.