
Rock group Sedimentary
Origin Clastic/detrital
Particle size (Wentworth) 0.0625 – 2 mm

Sandstone in Hand Sample

Quartz sandstone from the Weverton Formation
Sandstone from the Pennsylvanian-aged Conemaugh Group, WV
Fossiliferous sandstone from the Devonian-aged Foreknobs Formation
Arkose from within the Devonian-aged Old Red Sandstone
Graywacke from Siccar Point (!)
Pebble-bearing sandstone from the Massanutten Formation
Glauconitic sandstone with rip-up clasts
Bloomsburg Formation sandstone
Flathead sandstone from Wind River Canyon, Wyoming
Argillaceous sandstone

Sandstone in Thin Section

Quartz sandstone with calcite cement, plane  polars
Quartz sandstone with calcite cement, crossed polars
Graywacke, plane polars
Graywacke, crossed polars
Arkose, plane polars
Arkose, crossed polars

Quartz sandstone with calcite cement, plane polars

Quartz sandstone with calcite cement, crossed polars