Happy National Career Development Day!

image of magnifying glass over a paper highlighting the word careerIn celebration of National Career Development Day join NOVA Online for a Focus on Your Career Planning  webinar today from 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm.

This 30 minute webinar will introduce students to FOCUS 2 an online, interactive, self-guided career and education planning system. The system can help students select a program/major based on their interests and aspirations, discover occupations matching their personal preferences and attributes, map out their career plans – present and future, and make informed career decisions. The webinar is free, but registration is required.  Unable to join us?   Visit the FOCUS 2 website to learn about the system.

Happy National Career Development Month!

November is National Career Development Month. To kick-off NCDM NOVA Online will be offering an Exploring Career Options. This 45 minute webinar will focus on using various online resources to research career options. The relationship between programs of study at NOVA, college majors, and career options will be discussed.  Resources presented will provide information on nature of work, educational requirements, job outlook, and wages. The webinar is free, but registration is required.  Both live and recorded sessions are available.

In addition to this and other webinars that will be offered throughout the month, follow NOVA Online staff on Twitter to receive a daily inspirational quote. Join the conversation on Facebook.  Visit the Virtual Student Union to learn more about career development and related resources. Return to NOVA Onlineife regularly for tips, stories, and to stay connected.

Advising Week is here!

Advising week for Spring 2015 is November 3 – November 7. Jump start advising week by participating in a Getting Ready for Your Next Semester webinar. This one hour webinar for NOVA students will focus on answering key questions students have about preparing for their next semester. Topics covered will include program identification, course selection, college resources, schedule planning, and registration/payment tips. The webinar is free, but registration is required.

Remember, advising week is a great time to connect with your advisor about your academic and career goals. It is also a good time to discuss any concerns you may have about achieving your goals. Check NOVAConnect to identify your advisor. If you have not been assigned an advisor, have not declared a program of study, or are not pursuing a certificate or degree at NOVA contact an NOVA Online Counselor for assistance.Advising_Week_Flyer