Complete Your Goals with the S.M.A.R.T. Approach

Today’s goal setting blog post is brought to you by the Student Success Coaches. Do you have any questions about goal setting, time management, or resources available to you? Contact your Success Coach at or 703.764.5076 for tips for success and resources to help you have a successful semester.goal setting Are you feeling defeated, before you even get started, when trying to achieve a new goal? Do you feel like it is trying to climb a mountain? Do you find that your current method of writing down goals such as, ‘buy a new car’, ‘get my own apartment’ or ‘get my degree’ is not working? If you answered, ‘yes’, it is time to get motivated and adopt the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting approach. Unlike an undefined goal such as, ‘get my degree’, the S.M.A.R.T. approach enables you to clearly define a plan and stick to it. If you are not familiar with the S.M.A.R.T. process, it stands for:

S- Specific, M – Measurable, A – Attainable, R – Realistic, T – Time-bound (timely)

The S.M.A.R.T. approach will put you in control. It will provide a better vision, motivation and promote your confidence as you see your goals coming to life. For starters, ask yourself, “what do I want to achieve”? Let’s say you want to complete your degree. Using the S.M.A.R.T. framework,

  1. Specific Goal: I want to complete my Associates Degree in General Studies within the next 3 years.
  2. Measurable Goal: With this specific component of the process, you can measure your progress by the credits you complete which will ultimately result in the degree. If your goal is to complete a degree, you could write up your measurement, ‘I will complete a maximum of 15 credits each semester and no less than 6 until my A.S. Degree is completed’. As you complete each class, you will watch the credits grow! Be flexible, if you need to take less than 12 credits some semesters, you will still accumulate credits and move forward.
  3. Attainable/Achievable: Make sure you will be willing to stick with your goal and be in control. Do not take on more than you can accomplish. Ask, ‘have others done this successfully’, ‘do I have the necessary resources, skills and abilities to achieve this goal’? Plan and make sure there will not be stumbling blocks that could defeat you and do not be afraid to ask for help!
  4. Realistic: Make sure that you will be able to complete your goal. Don’t take on more than you can handle which may result in overwhelming yourself and giving up.
  5. Time-bound: Set an end date to achieve your goal and consider setting up check points along the way. For example, after attending classes for a year, check to see how many credits you have completed. Are you well on your way or you need to adjust your goal and add an extra semester? That’s okay! In the end, setting a manageable timeline will help you stay motivated and on track.

Don’t let your goals paralyze you, stay flexible, and don’t stress if life interferes and you need to make alterations along the way. Stick to the S.M.A.R.T. approach that will guide you down the road to success! To help develop your goal, click on this S.M.A.R.T. goal questionnaire. If you are more of an auditory learner, click here, for a well-developed YouTube video that explains and outlines the S.M.A.R.T. process.

This Week at NOVA Online!

Happy Monday! How’s the weather in your area?!

snowToday, Monday, January 26th is the start date for the 2nd twelve-week courses. Do you have courses starting today? Do you have access to your course in Blackboard? Any Blackboard questions? Check out Blackboard tutorial tips here.

Monday, January 12 from 12:15-1:15pm or Wednesday, January 28 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm – Participate in an NOVA Online Orientation Webinar – This one hour webinar will focus on getting started in your courses, navigating your Blackboard course site, and identifying tips for success and student support services. The NOVA Online Orientation is highly recommended for students who are new to online learning. Register or request a recording here.

Wednesday, January 28 from 12:15 – 1:00 pm – Participate in an Conducting a Job Search Webinar – This 45 minute webinar will focus on basic strategies for conducting a job search. Topics covered will include creating a plan, identifying sources of job leads, and resume, cover letter, and interview basics. Register here.

While enrolled in courses, you may want to register for NOVA Alert to get emergency related messages, including closures due to inclement weather. Campus closures will affect all campus offices, including the testing centers, tutoring centers, and campus libraries.

Resource: Student Lingo –  Student Lingo provides a series of interactive on-demand, on-line workshops action plans, and valuable resources focused helping students achieve their academic, personal, and career goals. Topics included are: Time Management, Test Taking/Text Anxiety, Study Skills/Time Management, Writing a Paper and more!  This is an excellent resource – each topic is only about 30-40 minutes that you can easily start and stop.

Blackboard Tip: Tutorials

Confused as to how to submit an assignment or use the discussion board in Blackboard? Check the Blackboard Tutorials in your course menu.

Blackboard MenuThe Blackboard Tutorials menu button is available in every NOVA Online Blackboard course site and provides a list of “how to” tutorials featuring the tools in Blackboard 9.1. This You Tube channel will also provide you with a variety of short videos to help you succeed this semester!

View this video, to help you better understand how to submit an assignment. Don’t fall behind. Make sure you are reading through the syllabus section and using the Overview of Assignments as a guide.

There is also an overview to help you understand how to post a discussion board post.

Remember, in most NOVA Online classes, once you submit your assignment or discussion board post, the submission is final. The only way to go back and edit is to ask the instructor for permission. Make sure to spell check, proof read, and edit!

This week at NOVA Online!

Spring classes begin today, Monday, January 12, 2015! Do you have any questions about getting started? Contact a NOVA Online Success Coach at or 703.764.5076.

Each Monday, we will post NOVA Online events for the week! We will also post a tip, support resource or app to help you succeed. Unless otherwise noted, all times will be listed in Eastern Standard Time. Monday

Upcoming events at NOVA Online for the week of January 12-18! You can participate in a webinar from your home computer or mobile device. All webinars are free, but registration is required. We hope to “see” you online!

Welcome Week- Follow our social media sites to learn more about tips for success and semester events when staring online courses at NOVA Online this spring!

Monday, January 12 – Webinar: NOVA Online Orientation 12:15-1:15pm – This one hour webinar will focus on getting started in your courses, navigating your Blackboard course site, and identifying tips for success and student support services. The NOVA Online Orientation is highly recommended for students who are new to online learning. Register here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 – Webinar: Tips for Success in Online Courses. 12:15-1:00pm – This 45 minute webinar for NOVA students will focus on strategies and tips for being successful in distance learning courses offered through NOVA Online. Topics covered will include time management, schedule planning, learning preferences, and support resources. Register here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 – Webinar: NOVA Online Orientation 6:30-7:30pm – See description above. Register here.

Thursday- NOVA Online Live Q and A. 7-8pm. Join our Google Hangout to connect with NOVA Online staff and other students, ask questions about starting online courses, and get a jump start on your spring semester!

Tip of the Week – As soon as you have access to your course in blackboard, log in and start navigating your virtual classroom. Start reading through each folder and make sure to go through the syllabus, overview of assignments, and announcements posted by your instructor. The NOVA Online Student Services Team is happy to help if you have any questions as you are getting started. Contact a NOVA Online Success Coach at or 703.764.5076.

FREE Financial Aid 101 Webinar

Do you have any questions about completing your FAFSA? Take advantage of this FREE Financial Aid 101 Webinar on Thursday, January 22, 2015 from 5 pm – 6 pm EST. (Click on picture to enlarge)FAFSA_Flyer

This free webinar is presented by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid.

Register for the webinar and visit VASFAA for more information about the event.

  • Space is limited for this free webinar. One registration per household.
  • You will receive a confirmation email with login instructions (if not received in your inbox, check your junk mail folder).
  • You will need a computer with internet connection and telephone to view and listen to the presentation or telephone only if you just want to listen in.

Do you have questions about Financial Aid? Visit the Financial Aid Support Center for contact information.

Is online learning right for you?

Are you ready for Online Learning at NOVA Online?SmarterMeasure Logo

SmarterMeasure is an assessment that measures learner readiness for Northern Virginia Community College’s Extended Learning Institute. SmarterMeasure is an indicator of the degree to which distance learning and/or learning in a technology rich environment will be a good fit for you.

SmarterMeasure is meant to be an interesting experience by which you may learn more about yourself, online learning, and how to succeed! Your SmarterMeasure score will not prevent you from registering for online classes. Take your time to rate yourself honestly. It is a tool that will help you assess your strengths and opportunities for growth related to online learning in 6 areas.

1. Life Factors
2. Individual Attributes – procrastination, time management, willingness to ask for help, academic attributes
3. Learning Styles – what is your predominant learning style?
4. Technical Competency, Skills, and Knowledge
5. Reading Rate and Recall
6. Typing Speed and Accuracy

You will receive a full color report immediately following the completion of all areas of SmarterMeasure. You may email this report, print it, or download and save for future reference. It also provides some remedial tools related to each area. For more information about SmarterMeasture, view this video.

If you are interested in taking courses through the Extended Learning Institute and would like to determine if online learning is right for you, please email NOVA Online Student Success Coach, Jennifer Reed at for a user name and password and to discuss your results.

Using financial aid to purchase course materials

Students with pending financial aid can purchase books against their excess financial aid beginning online on December 28, 2014. Online bookstore purchases begin on December 28, 2014 and continue through the term census date, January 29, 2015, the end of the book purchase period.

Students must complete the Bookstore Authorization E-Form, via the Financial Aid Dashboard, prior to completing their purchase. Students enrolled in distance learning or wishing to make their purchase online must complete and electronically sign the Bookstore Authorization form via the Dashboard prior to your order being processed. Students enrolled or planning to enroll in later starting classes who desire to use their financial aid to purchase books must do so during this purchase period. Students who are awarded after the term census date will not be able to charge bookstore purchases against their undisbursed financial aid award until a second book purchase period opens prior to the second eight-week session.

If you completed the online Bookstore Authorization form for the Fall term, it will remain valid for the Spring term. If you are purchasing books with your financial aid for the first time this academic year, please complete the Bookstore Authorization form.

16 week classes:

First date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: December 28, 2014

Last date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: January 29, 2015

Second Eight week Classes:

First date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: March 2, 2015

Last date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: March 24, 2015

SDV 298 PLACE – now a one credit course!

Are you an adult learner who has acquired college-level learning from your work and life experiences? The PLACE Portfolio Development course (SDV 298) may be a great option for you to turn that learning into college credits toward your NOVA degree!

The process of developing a portfolio helps adult learners explore the following:

  • Reflect on your life history and evaluate your future plans
  • Articulate the college-level learning in your work and life experiences
  • Develop and/or refine short and long term career, personal, and educational goals
  • Create professional e-portfolios to challenge courses for college credit

Email / call 703-425-5835 / visit the Credit for Prior Learning Website for more information about earning credit for prior learning.

Using financial aid to purchase course materials

Students with pending financial aid can purchase books against their excess financial aid beginning online on December 28, 2014. Online bookstore purchases begin on December 28, 2014 and continue through the term census date, January 29, 2015, the end of the book purchase period.

Students must complete the Bookstore Authorization E-Form, via the Financial Aid Dashboard, prior to completing their purchase. Students enrolled in distance learning or wishing to make their purchase online must complete and electronically sign the Bookstore Authorization form via the Dashboard prior to your order being processed. Students enrolled or planning to enroll in later starting classes who desire to use their financial aid to purchase books must do so during this purchase period. Students who are awarded after the term census date will not be able to charge bookstore purchases against their undisbursed financial aid award until a second book purchase period opens prior to the second eight-week session.

If you completed the online Bookstore Authorization form for the Fall term, it will remain valid for the Spring term. If you are purchasing books with your financial aid for the first time this academic year, please complete the Bookstore Authorization form.

16 week classes:

First date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: December 28, 2014

Last date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: January 29, 2015

Second Eight week Classes:

First date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: March 2, 2015

Last date to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: March 24, 2015

Tuition payment for Spring 2015

Heads up! If you registered for spring 2015 courses and haven’t submitted your tuition payment yet, you must do so by Tuesday, December 16 at 5 p.m. to avoid being dropped from your courses! If you have questions about payment, visit NOVA’s Spring 2015 payment information here. You can also call the NOVA Online Hotline at 703-323-3347 for assistance.

Of course, there’s still plenty of time to register for spring if you haven’t done so already! NOVA Online’s first spring session starts January 12 and for many courses, additional sections are offered starting January 26, February 2, 23, or later. Check the full list of spring 2015 courses here.

Just remember, if you register for spring courses on or after Tuesday, December 16, your payment is due by 5 p.m. the next business day.