Resources to Support You With Your Academic Goals

As a NOVA Online student you have access to numerous resources to support you in achieving your academic and professional goals.  This post highlights just a few of the resources.

Success Coach

NOVA Online Success Coaches are here to help, we can refer you to resources and supports, provide help with time management, testing skills and more!  Contact a coach at

Weekly Study Time for Online Learning

View an article that provides guidance on suggested study time based on course length and number of credits.


Access free tutoring available on days and times that meet your schedule.

Virtual Student Union 

Get connected and stay connected to the NOVA community.

Financial Stability and Advocacy Centers

Learn more about resources to support you in achieving your goals.




Monthly Book Club February

Connect with other online readers! The Student Life Department and NOVA Online Library hosts a monthly book club give away. Every month you can sign up to receive a free copy of the book and participate in online activities relating to the book. Every book will fit one of the categories in the NOVA Reads challenge.

How to register? 

  • Fill out this month’s book club form to let us know you’re participating this month. Students who sign up will receive a copy of the book in the mail (while supplies last). We only have 30 copies, so we suggest signing up early!

Register HERE!!!

Current Book Selection

How to Be an Antiracist

Written by Ibram X. Kendi (Links to an external site.)

Ibram X. Kendi’s concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America–but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. Instead of working with the policies and system we have in place, Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it.




Call for Student Advisors!

NOVA Online Student Life & Library are launching a Student Advisory Board in Spring 2020.

We are looking for a large group of student advisors to represent NOVA Online’s diverse population!

Visit the Student Advisory Board  page in the Virtual Student Union for more details & to sign up.

Charlotte and Helen

Charlotte Lombardo, Student Life Coordinator for NOVA Online |

Helen McManus, NOVA Online Librarian |

Student Government Association Leadership Training Summer 2019

Yesterday, each Student Government Association attended a cross-campus leadership training. They shared connections, discussed setting an agenda for the upcoming semester, learned tips and tricks for surveying students, and did some very important self reflection on how to combat holding inherent biases.

You’ll notice some quirky pictures below because there has to be some fun when Student Life is involved! The group completed different team building activities like human charades and a game called “the maze”. 

Overall, we left the day feeling excited and energized for the upcoming semester! 

To learn more about getting involved with any one of the campus Student Government Associations, email 
with your name and campus of interest! 

Where Are The Best Summer Study Spots?

Summer courses. They can be a drag, but they also come in handy when you are making up credits, or trying to finish your degree plan in a short amount of time.

We found a blog post on listing the best summer study spots!   The article recommends studying outside to soak up some sun and we agree! We decided to create our own list of fab study spots to try out. Drop a comment below with your favorite summer study spot suggestions.

Take advantage of outdoor spaces- patios, backyards, or local parks! 

Forbes Magazine points out that exposure to sunlight elevates your mood and helps strengthen your immune system. Use that summer time shine! If you’re in the Northern Virginia area,  don’t forget each campus has plenty of outdoor space to utilize. Being on campus can help keep your mind in grind mode.

Speaking of space on campus, our libraries have open summer hours!

Check out our summer library schedule from May 20 – August 11. Outside campus operating hours, branch out and visit a local public library.  LibWeb does the work for you in finding a nearby library location.

Cafe’s and coffee shops are a great environments to get work done.

Free Wifi, background music, and unlimited access to caffeine.. what more can you ask for?! Check out Northern Virginia Mag’s Guide to Coffee Shops in you’re in the area.

We hope some of our suggestions work for you this summer. Don’t be afraid to try new spaces, and when you find a spot that fits your needs, utilize it! Enjoy, and happy summer studying!

Any suggestions? Drop your fav summer study spot in the comments below!

Student Lingo: Stress Management Workshop

As finals and projects are approaching, take some time to de-stress, re-focus on your courses, and prepare for your exams. Take breaks, stay focused and manage your stress!

stress comic

From finding time to do assignments between jobs to managing a family and a full-time course load; students juggle multiple responsibilities on a daily basis. Handling the demands of school while balancing the responsibilities of work and personal life can be overwhelming and there is a serious need for students to be equipped to handle the stress that comes along with managing so many things at once. But, fear not because StudentLingo provides a Stress Management Techniques Workshop to help you manage your stress and finish your semester successfully. If you haven’t already, register for an account with your student email (

You can also access a number of stress-taming tools for your toolbox through the Stress Management Online Workshop! Student Lingo offers NOVA students free online workshops that address a wide variety of topics; providing students with information, strategies, and resources to overcome barriers to academic success, and reach their personal, academic, and professional goals.

What is highlighted?

In this workshop you will learn the following information:

  • How to identify and evaluate your unique warning signs and reactions to stressors.
  • Assess your stress triggers and identify the sources of stress in your life.
  • How stress affects your physical health, mental clarity, academic performance, etc.
  • How your mind and body process and internalizes stress.
  • New stress management strategies to practice and integrate in your daily life to deal with stress in a healthy way!

 Once you finish reviewing the workshop, keep your momentum for change by incorporating what you have learned right away. Take action to make what you’ve learned meaningful by applying it when stress arises. Assess the triggers in your life, the sources of stress as it relates to school, your professional life, and your personal life and ask yourself the following questions to actively combat their impact on your life:

  •  How do I react when theses triggers come up?
  • Is my reaction to these stressors healthy?
  • What can I do to minimize the effect that these stressors have on me?
  • Which stress management techniques that I learned from this workshop do I plan on using?
  • How can they to help manage my reaction to these specific triggers?

Like this post? You may also find the Motivational Minute: Many Faces of Stress blog post useful for more stress management tips and information!

Article provided by the NOVA Online Success Coaches. Contact your Success Coach at

Student SpotLight: How to ball On a Budget

This week’s Student Spotlight is written by Marly Narcisse. Marly is working towards a degree in Engineering and has a knack for learning other languages. She is currently taking German through NOVA Online. For most students, College is expensive. We get it. Marly is here to share
with us some tips on how to manage our finances.   


Growing up my mother was not very financially responsible, and when I moved to the USA my family was not financially responsible. I decided that this wouldn’t be me, so I experimented with many ways before I found out the one that works for me. Below are the top five things I do keep my finances in check.

  1. Get A Spending Notebook

In this book I write down all my wants and needs. I also write down savings and financial goals. I have a job, but I also have bills. For better accuracy I write down everything that I must pay for each pay check and I cross them off as I go. I also keep track of how often I need the basics (toothbrush, shampoo, etc.) so I can plan accordingly.

2. Budget

Budget. I consider budgeting as the maximum amount of money I am willing to pay for things. I have a car, so I need gas. I tell myself based on my commute, how much gas do I need? It turns out, I could get by with $100 a month. I allocate $100 for gas every month using a gift card. Unless it’s necessary I will not go beyond my commute. Everything I need is on the way. I also do that for everything else, clothes, books, etc. I like to avoid surprises. My wallet doesn’t like them very much. 

3. Create Different Savings Accounts

I have three different savings accounts based on my priorities. I have an emergency account. I was told to have at least 3-4 months bills put away, so I am working towards that. I also want to invest money for residual income and I want to go places, it doesn’t matter where. I allocate some money each month for it according to importance. Suppose I save $100, 50% would go to emergency, 30 to travel and 20 to investment.

4. Spend Less

I only buy things I need. When I go to the store, usually Bed Bath and Beyond because I use their 20% off coupons, A LOT, I make sure I get things I really need. I’ll ask myself three times if I really need something before I hit the register, and I’ll put the No’s on the side. When I reach the register, I’ll ask myself, “do I need it?” one more time before I make final my purchase.

5. Save All Extra Cash

I get money for my birthday, work bonus or for whatever other reason. I used this money strictly for savings and I follow the same breakdown as before 50 for emergency, 30 for travel and 20 for investment.

These tips work for me. I live within my means and I can still afford to do things I want to do without feeling guilty. At the same time, I have a cushion for the future. If you have any additional tips or have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank You

Transfer Planning Events

It’s never too early to start transfer planning! This month, NOVA Online has several events scheduled to assist in the transfer process and provide with you all the information you need to know to plan your transfer to a 4-year college or university!

Transfer Planning Webinar:  Wednesday February 14th 12-1pm

This one-hour webinar will discuss the basics of transfer academic planning; transfer resources and tools, including discussion on guaranteed admission agreements and articulation agreements; and transfer application tips. Register Now!

Transfer Q&A: Wednesday February 21st 12-1pm

Have questions about transferring? Stop by this virtual open forum to chat with a NOVA transfer counselor. This one-hour webinar will discuss the basics of transfer planning; information about Guaranteed Admission Agreements, Articulation Agreements, and Transfer Guides; and a web tour of NOVA’s transfer website.
Register Now!

Also check out recordings of past transfer events!

Transfer Planning: Alumni Transfer Panel

This recording highlights a panel of NOVA/NOVA Online alumni students who have transferred to 4-year institutions. Learn more regarding the transfer process and listen to questions answered about their varied experiences. Information will be discussed around transfer topics such as Guaranteed Admission Agreements, understanding transfer requirements, and NOVA’s transfer resources. Request the recording now!

Additional questions about the Transfer process and requirements at NOVA? Contact our NOVA Online Counselors at .

Destress as you prepare for your next semester

Winding down from one semester, and planning for your next can be a significant adjustment. With the demand of approaching deadlines, it is easy to get overwhelmed in the blink of an eye. As you gathered information from advising week, and prepared for registration, we want to provide you with some resources to help you unwind, and refocus on preparing for your next semester.

Yoga has more benefits than I can list but the ones I want you to take advantage of right now is it’s capacity to reduce anxiety and stress. Taking time to stretch and twist the body, releases chemicals that our bodies naturally produce when stressed. Beyond the physical movements, yoga has a meditative component that ignites your inner strength in a way that will empower you to tackle any obstacle, help you maintain peace when feeling harried, and turn down the volume of the loud voice of self-doubt. Yoga DogIncorporating yoga into your daily practice has been made easy with the use of technology. Here are some free apps you can download today that can jump-start your yoga practice! There is no greater obstacle to overcome than your own mind, feed it with positivity and it will help you accomplish great things! Namaste.

YogaQuote: Gives you daily inspirational yoga quotes and mantras.

Daily Yoga: Gives you live training with  videos and a professionally made yoga program for you to follow without needing to go to a gym. This app even has yoga to help you destress at your desk (great to do right before writing a paper)!

As you move into your next semester, continue to follow NOVA Online for tips on:

  • Familiarizing yourself with resources to help you with your academic planning.
  • Focusing on your career planning.
  • Checking to make sure you are on the right path to achieve your goals.
  • Gaining skills outside the classroom.
  • Taking some time for reflection.

Have a question, but not sure who to ask? Start with a Success Coach! They can be reached at or call 703.323.3347.