Category Archives: Art

Art and Technology Prize for Students ($500) – The Lumen Prize

Do you create art deeply immersed in coding, gifs, fractals, or other electronic formats? If so, this prize is for you…

Students interested in the intersection of art and technology should learn more about the Lumen Prize with a single cash award of $500. Over the last decade, this UK-based charity has been awarding cash prizes in recognition of innovative works combining art and technology. One caveat: students must be enrolled in a BA, MFA, BFA, MA or equivalent program (which means you can start work on a project now and submit it in a few years, after transfer!).

While there is no cost to enter, there are only 100 submissions allowed world-wide, so plan ahead for a June deadline each year and submit early. A particularly significant aspect of this prize is that finalists who don’t win are encouraged to connect with other artists associated with Lumen, allowing for a great opportunity for you to meet other talented artists.

This year, submissions are due on June 21, 2021.

See the following link for more information:–to-edit-/

What Do You Notice?

A newly published book, Visual Intelligence, by art historian and lawyer Amy E. Herman sheds light on the power of observation as an invaluable tool in all types of careers. Ms. Herman has created a career based on her love of art and used it to improve the skills of law enforcement and future doctors. After running a course for a decade that has taken police officers and medical students into art galleries of New York City to study paintings to hone observational skills, Ms. Herman now writes about these experiences and suggests (too frequently) that they are applicable to all professions. If you can get past the first person accounts of how she has or hasn’t noticed things in her life through her glamorous world travels and if you can overlook her often incomplete and perfunctory-seeming explanation of the science underlying her work, this book is an excellent tool for all students. Of particular note: high school students exposed to this type of observational study went on to have higher standardized test scores. Do you think of yourself as a good observer? Do you notice details that others may miss? How do you think observational skills may be helpful in improving your academic performance? Or on the job performance?