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TILT Center Host Inaugural Digital Learning Day for Maturals

Cyber Seniors participated in break-out sessions to learn about Facebook, Twitter, iPad Basics, Navigating the Computer/Internet, and Digital Video Editing. Team TILT and 6 NOVA Alexandria Student Volunteers made sure that each participant received personal support while learning the 21st Century technology tools of their choice.

Lew Carr, one of Maturals stated, “Both Joan (the self-described “Techno-saur”) and I so much appreciated the Digital Learning Day for Maturals this past Friday. The (TILT) staff along with volunteers did a wonderful job.”

Kirstin Riddick, TILT Coordinator stated, “The Maturals Digital Learning Day was an amazing multi-generational afternoon of fellowship, fun, and learning.”

The TILT team will continue to conduct Digital Learning Days as a way to collaborate with our Maturals to bridge the digital divide. TEAM TILT would like to thank the Maturals, NOVA Student Volunteers and all involved for making the inaugural Digital Learning Day a success.

On May 1, the Technology Innovation in Learning and Teaching (TILT) formerly Instructional Support and Development, a division of the Learning and Technology Resources (LTR) Division hosted its first Digital Learning Day for the Maturals, our lifelong-learning senior citizens.

team_tilt_maturals NOVA_Student_Volunteers_with_TILT matt_with_maturals

Trip to James Madison University and Shenandoah University

The transfer visit to JMU and SU took place on April 17th. Students arrived at 6:15 AM, signed in, filled out the Assumption of Risk, Off campus Code of Conduct and Medical release forms (and the JMU contact card). We left campus at 6:40 with 24 students. There were two late cancellations via email, one student over slept and one no show. We arrived at JMU at 9:15 AM for a campus tour and transfer presentation. The tour and presentation were great.  We were split into three groups and toured campus. One group even went to the bookstore and loaded up on JMU gear. Connie and I were very impresses with the campus and the tour.  We departed JMU at 11:45 after the transfer presentation and arrived at SU at 12:45.

When we arrived at SU we had lunch in the student dining hall. The food was great and we split into five tables with SU staff at each table to answer questions.   We then had a presentation and a tour. The students were split into three groups based on their major and toured campus. Very nice campus and tour guides.  We departed SU at 3:15 and arrived on campus at 5 PM.  The day was fantastic and students are already asking about a fall trip.  Connie and I are working on a trip for the fall to another section of Virginia.  Also, I’ve already had a student come in to see me today to discuss transfer to SU.

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For more information please contact Trevor Blair | 703-845-6236 |

Shakespeare’s Sister: Women in the Arts

Hello NOVA,

You are cordially invited you to  “Shakespeare’s Sister: Women in the Arts”, a concert that showcases musical, literary and artistic works by women creators.

Throughout history, women have not had equal opportunity to develop their artistic abilities and talents. This program will provide an intimate portrait of female voices through music, poetry, prose and visual art through performances by the NOVA Alexandria Band, Community Chorus, and Jazz Ensemble along with art and design work by NOVA Studio.

s sister
Date: Friday, 1 May 2015
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Alexandria Campus | Schlesinger Center
Admission: Admission is FREE, suggested donation is $10

View our facebook page here.

For more information, contact Jonathan Kolm | |703.845.6026

Cinco de Mayo Helping Hands Fundraiser | Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Cinco de Mayo is a celebration held on 5 May. It is celebrated in the United States and in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla, where the holiday is called El Día de la Batalla de Puebla.

Mexican-Americans also often see the day as a source of pride; one way they can honor their ethnicity is to celebrate this day.

For more information please contact Nicole Nguyen |

Cinco de Mayo Helping Hands Fundraiser -Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Honors End-of-Year Celebration

Dear Alexandria Community,

Please join Honors faculty and students  at 1:00 this Thursday in the Provost’s Conference as they celebrate their achievements over the 2014 and 2015 year, and as they say farewell to some of the honors community and welcome in new members.

Snacks and drinks will be served.  All are welcome.

For more information please contact Dr. Michael D. Amey | 703-845-6288

Northern Virginia Community College Alexandria Honors Program

Alexandria Honors

Honors End-of-Year Celebration

All African Student Union presents a Roundtable Discussion

The All African Student Union presents a roundtable discussion on NYAMEWAA-NYAME NHYEHYEE (Divine Order).   Ancient African solution to contemporary gender inequality.

Date:                   Thursday, 30 April 2015
Time:                   5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Location:              Bisdorf Building | AA-127

For more information please contact

All African Student Union presents a Roundtable Discussion

Alexandria Campus ST&B Dean Announced

Dr. Chad Knights

Dr. Knights has accepted the Science, Technology and Business (STB) Dean position and is now a fully recognized Dean at NOVA and no longer carries the “Acting” part of his title.

If you have not already done so, please congratulate Dr. Knights on his appointment.
~Dr. Ronald Buchanan

Dr. Chad Knights
Dr. Chad Knights