Category Archives: Student Services

NOVA Alexandria Campus Fall 2014 Keys to Success Workshop Series Sponsored by NOVA Alexandria Counseling Services


NOVA Alexandria Campus

Fall 2014 Keys to Success Workshop Series

Sponsored by NOVA Alexandria Counseling Services

The workshops and special events offered by the counseling department are free and open to all students, faculty, and staff.

P.O.W.E.R. Writing Workshop
DATE: Thursday, September 4, 2014
TIME: 11:00AM-12:30PM
PRESENTER: Darlene DuBose, CARE Counselor
Effective writing can help in college, on the job, and in your personal life. Good writing will help you create quality term papers. This writing skills workshop can help you become a better writer by learning about the steps in P.O.W.E.R (Prepare, Organize, Write, Edit, and Revise).

Learning Styles Workshop
DATE: Thursday, September 4, 2014
TIME: 1:00PM-2:30PM
PRESENTER: Rebeccah Carrier, Counselor
Have you ever wondered how and why you learn a certain way? Thought about how you study, and how you retain information? Come to the Learning Styles workshop. We will assess what YOUR own learning style may be, tie your style in with left brain/right brain theory, and even look at how colors influence your learning style.


OPT Workshop (Optional Practical Training)
DATE: Wednesday, September 10, 2014
TIME: 1:00PM-2:00PM
PRESENTER: Dr. Twyla Jones, Assistant Coordinator, OIS
Are you an F-1 student interested in OPT? Optional Practical Training (OPT) is temporary employment for practical training directly related to their major area of study and commensurate with degree level. In this workshop, students will receive information regarding the federal regulations and application steps involved in applying for OPT.

Planning for Success
DATE: Wednesday, September 10, 2014
TIME: 2:00PM-3:00PM
2nd DATE: Tuesday, November 11, 2014
PRESENTERS: GPS for Success/First Year Advising Staff
“The goal without a plan is just a wish”. This workshop will guide you through the new technology available to assist you in selecting a major and planning your studies from start to graduation.

Teacher Education- Transfer to George Mason University
DATE: Tuesday, September 16, 2014
TIME: 3:00PM-4:30PM
PRESENTER: Eva Nolen, Academic Advisor
George Mason University
College of Education & Human Development
Are you interested in becoming a teacher and want to transfer to George Mason? Come to this workshop to learn about teacher education programs, licensure requirements, career opportunities in education, admission requirements and the process for transferring to GMU. For more information contact Alice Hedley at

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion or Ethnocentricism, Racism & Alienation”
Cultivating Our Most Precious Resource @NVCC AL”
“Are We The Realization of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream, The Quintessential Melting Pot, or A Mere Mosaic Facade”?
DATE: Wednesday, September 17, 2014
TIME: 11:00AM-12:15AM
PRESENTER: Dr. Joseph E. Windham, Professor of History
Come Hear the Words of Various Social Justice Activists, Writers and Expressionists as they are articulated by Dr. Joseph. E. Windham, Professor of History, Liberal Arts Division and applied to your student experience at NOVA.
This will be an Interdisciplinary Presentation, Climate Survey and Open Mic Town Hall Meeting. Come & Participate as We Build Our Green & Gold Academic Community! Co-Sponsored by The AL Diversity Committee, SGA, and All African Student Union.

Resume Skills Workshop- Hosted by Career Services
DATE: Wednesday, September 17, 2014
TIME: 1:00PM-3:00PM
PRESENTER: Edythe Richards, NOVA Career Counselor, Arlington Employment Center
First impressions mean a lot and your résumé could be your first impression with a future employer. Learn how your résumé can showcase your skills and experiences to get the interview. Participate in this workshop presented by Career Services and learn the basics and do’s/don’ts in creating a résumé.
Physical Theatre
DATE: Thursday, September 18, 2014
TIME: 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM
PRESENTER: Dr. Kate Al-Shamma, Professor of Theatre
This is a workshop in Stage Movement for anyone who wants to increase sensory awareness while presenting in front of any audience or while working with others in groups. This workshop utilizes simple movements, which are performed in groups, to improve listening skills and to strengthen connections among participants. Please dress comfortably and be prepared to take off your shoes!

How Can I Keep My Financial Aid?
DATE: Wednesday, September 24, 2014
TIME: 1:00PM – 2:30PM
PRESENTERS: Shirley Delgado, SAP Advisor (, Abid Mahmood, Open Computer Lab Supervisor, and Brian Yeagley (, Academic Advisor
I have financial aid, now what? Have you ever asked yourself how can I keep my financial aid while taking classes at NOVA? What are their expectations?
Come to this workshop and find out what it takes to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress. Listen to real life experiences. Get ready to be inspired.

Resume Skills Workshop
DATE: Tuesday, September 30, 2014
TIME: 3:00PM-5:00PM
PRESENTERS: GAP Inc. for Community Colleges (Hosted by Career Services)
First impressions mean a lot and your résumé could be your first impression with a future employer. Learn how your résumé can showcase your skills and experiences to get the interview. Participate in this workshop presented by GAP Inc. for Community Colleges and learn the basics and do’s/don’ts in creating a résumé, from an employer’s perspective!

Earn College Credit for What You Already Know
DATE: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
TIME: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
PRESENTER: Rusty Schaefer, SDV PLACE Adjunct Professor
Why do you have to take a class in something you already know? Is there any way to get these credits without having to sit through the class? This session will discuss the five methods available for you to put college credit on your transcript with a special focus on the portfolio development process at NOVA. Which of the five methods are best for you? How do you decide which method to use? How do you develop one of these portfolios?
The Prior Learning Activity for Credit Evaluation (PLACE) Program and Student Development (SDV) 298 PLACE course will help you to develop one or more portfolios of your work and life experiences the equate to college-level learning. The PLACE Program and course are ideally suited for adult student with more 10 years of work experience, military (active duty and veterans) and multi-lingual students.

Life after NOVA for International Students
DATE: Wednesday, October 8, 2014
TIME: 1:00PM-2:00PM
PRESENTER: Dr. Twyla Jones, Assistant Coordinator, OIS
This workshop will explore options for international students (F1 visa holders) after graduation or completing their course objectives with NOVA. Options include transferring to four-year colleges or universities as well as continuing to graduate school, for those who may already have completed bachelor degrees overseas.

Being Present, Yoga, and Movement
DATE: Monday, October 20, 2014
TIME: 12:30PM – 1:30PM
PRESENTER: Professor Tauheeda Yasin
Have you ever felt like you are constantly dragging or tired? Or perhaps you want a more restful sleep or top-to-toe toning?! What about better focus or a sense of calm or even steamier sex (LOL)? You have an opportunity to either dream about the aforementioned or at least think about them by attending the Keys to Success workshop on Being Present, Yoga, and Movement. In the workshop, you will be introduced to the idea of “being present” – whether it is in the midst of taking a test, sitting in class, or while eating. You will be introduced to the concept of a yoga sun salutation and learn a few yoga moves that are good for bringing awareness to the body and busting stress. You will also be introduced to movement exercises that help make you more alert and that provide a boost of energy (they might even help tone your thighs!). We will end the workshop by going through a guided meditation that will leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed, and alive with a new sense of being.
We do not guarantee nor endorse yoga for everyone but we all know that yoga has been the subject of research over the past few decades therapeutically for mental stress, coronary heart disease, stress and stress-induced disorders, as well as decreasing anxiety. The workshop will provide you with information about a few yoga poses that can help you on your journey to healthy living. If you ever wanted to learn more about meditation, presence, or yoga, join us for a light presentation.
Tauheeda Yasin has been practicing yoga and meditation since 2010 and has found that it is especially helpful for stress reduction, body toning, and overall joyful living.

Time Management and Organizational Skills Workshop
DATES: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
2nd DATE: Wednesday, September 10, 2014
TIME: 2:00PM-3:00PM
PRESENTERS: Latacha Berluche ( , Counselor for Students with Disabilities and Donnell Smith (, GPS First Year Advisor
Time management skills are essential to college success as many students have to balance college, employment and family responsibilities. We will discuss time management, organization, benefits of using a planning system, reviewing your classroom contract (syllabus) and important date(s).

Do’s and Don’ts of Goal Setting” Workshop
DATE: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
DATE: Wednesday, October 8, 2014
TIME: 2:00PM-3:00PM
PRESENTERS: GPS for Success/First Year Advising Staff
Learn the fatal mistakes that students often make when setting personal, educational, and professional goals. More importantly, learn how to avoid the pitfalls.

Careers and Majors in Liberal Arts-Faculty Discussion Panel
DATE: October 22,
TIME: 2:00PM-3:30PM
PRESENTERS: Liberal Arts Faculty Members (Hosted by Career Services)
John F. Kennedy-President of the United States-Degree in History
Sally Ride-Astronaut and first woman in space-Degree in English
Brian Lamb-Founder and retired CEO of C-Span-Degree in Communications
Do you think people do not get jobs with Liberal Arts degrees? Come to a panel presentation with Liberal Arts faculty members and learn about the many options you have with a Liberal Arts degree. Hear from those who have found satisfying and rewarding careers with degrees in Economics, Political Science, Foreign Language and many other Liberal Arts areas.

Transferring Made Easy
DATE: Wednesday November 5, 2014
TIME: 3:00PM-4:00PM
PRESENTERS: Trevor Blair ( and Michael Donnelly (, Transfer Counselors
Come to this workshop to learn how to navigate the transfer process. We will discuss the following: Guaranteed Admissions Agreements (GAA), deadlines, choosing between schools and much more!

Careers and Majors in Business- Hosted by Career Services
DATE: Thursday, November 6, 2014
TIME: 2:00PM 3:00PM
PRESENTER: Steve Suetterlein, Professor, Business Administration (Hosted by Career Services)
Careers and Majors in Business will look at the various job opportunities in the business world. We will show trends in job openings (Management, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Social Media, HR, etc.) and what employers are looking for as an initial hire. These include both hard and soft skills. We will also touch on: Being a lifelong learner to remain relevant in the business world; Corporate culture and the need to fit in; Advantages and disadvantages of changing companies/careers; Certifications versus getting an MBA.

So You Think You Are Ready to Graduate?
NOVA’s Graduation Preparation Program
DATE: Friday, November 7, 2014
TIME: 9:00AM-11:00AM
If you are a NOVA student with one or two semesters until degree or certificate completion, then this program is for YOU! Come learn about the steps needed to successfully complete your degree and graduate after the Spring semester (May)! You will also be provided information about how to plan for employment, transfer, and financial aid during your last semester at NOVA. Students who are not planning to graduate next semester but want an early start in their planning may attend as well!

Interviewing Skills Workshop- Hosted by Career Services
DATE: Wednesday, November 19, 2014
TIME: 11:00AM-12:30PM
PRESENTER: Marjorie Kinnaman, Career Counselor
Are you unsure of how to prepare for an interview? Your first interview with an employer can be one of the most important steps in the career process. In this workshop we will discuss important interviewing techniques and strategies to get the job that you want.

Careers & Opportunities in Cyber Security
DATE: Monday, December 1, 2014
TIME: 1:00PM-3:00PM
PRESENTER: Margaret Leary, Professor, Information Technology (Hosted by Career Services)
Are you curious about career opportunities and the field of Cybersecurity? Attend this workshop, presented by Margaret Leary, Information Technology Faculty Advisor at the NOVA Alexandria Campus, to learn more about careers in this field! (Please note this is not an academic course advising session for Cyber Security majors).

Interviewing Skills Workshop
DATE: Wednesday, December 3, 2014
TIME: 9:00AM-11:00AM
PRESENTER: GAP Inc. for Community Colleges (Hosted by Career Services)
Are you unsure of how to prepare for an interview? First impressions are an important first step in the job search and interviewing process. Participate in this workshop presented by GAP Inc. for Community Colleges and learn the basics and do’s/don’ts of interviewing, from an employer’s perspective!

Finals Week Preparation Kickoff: Managing Stress and Test Anxiety
DATE: Thursday, December 4, 2014
TIME: 10:00AM-11:00AM (1st Session)
11:00AM-12:00PM (2nd Session)
PRESENTER: Darlene DuBose, Care Counselor
Do you know the difference between stress and anxiety? What should you do when you are feeling stressed out? What not to do when you are feeling stressed out? What should you do when you are feeling overwhelmed? Do you know how to reduce test anxiety? Do you know how to take test? As finals week approaches this workshop will provide tips for studying smart while reducing test anxiety and managing stress levels. In preparation for finals week you do not want to miss this workshop!! For more information be there!

Special Event
NOVA Alexandria Transfer Fair
Thursday, October 23, 2014
LOCATION: 2nd and 3rd Floors (Bisdorf Building)
Come and have the opportunity to meet with representatives from multiple colleges and universities. This is the prime opportunity to receive information directly from the institutions regarding admissions, academics and student life!
Northern Virginia Community College makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities. If you need an accommodation to attend a NOVA event, submit your request to preferably 14 days in advance.

Student Services Division
Counseling Services
Bisdorf Building, AA194
3001 N. Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311



The NOVA Fall 2014 Parking Permits are now on sale at the Alexandria Campus.  Please come visit Parking Services (AA-189) to purchase your parking permit.

PRICING: download (1)


For more information, please contact Mike Delchamp | Parking Supervisor | 703-845-6057

NOVA Shuttle Service Update and Expansion!

NOVA Shuttle Service Update and Expansion!


Starting Monday, August 18th, the NOVA Shuttle will add 3 new routes to the existing 3 routes.shuttle

Additionally, the inter-campus route between Annandale and Alexandria previously included in Route C will be discontinued due to low ridership.

The new routes, D, E, & F, will provide service from the Manassas, Medical Education, and Loudoun Campuses to nearby Metro Stations and Public Transportation hubs.
All NOVA students, staff or faculty can ride for FREE by showing their NOVA Card (required to ride).

You can also visit for real-time shuttle updates.

Please visit for more details and Route schedules.



Please remove all personal items and personal pad locks from the student lockers at Alexandria Campus.  

Date:                     Monday, 11 August 2014 locker

Time:                     Before 8:00 a.m.

Note: Any personal items left, will be removed!!!

The Facilities department will be performing general maintenance and cleaning of the lockers in Bisdorf and Engineering Buildings.

Again, any personal items left in the lockers after August 11th will be removed and disposed of accordingly.

Thank you!

For more information, please contact Kathy Clement 703-933-5081 |



Special Testing Center Hours Alexandria Campus July 25, 2014

TIME: 753
11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Visit our website for specific details on testing services:

For more information, please contact Ella A. Gilliam | Acting Supervisor  of Testing Services | |


AA-229 (ACE): The Academic Center for Math | We’ve Moved!!!

AA-229 (ACE): The Academic Center for Math | We’ve Moved!!!

We Have moved our Math Lab. Come and pop in to our NEW location.

The Academic Center for Math has moved into AA-229 (ACE)image001

The Academic Center for Math is open to all NOVA students registered for credit math classes.

Students can come anytime during the open lab hours to get help with their homework. Students will obtain free tutoring on a walk-in basis. Tutors are there to provide support when it is needed.

For more information please contact Matt Todd | Associate Dean, Learning and Technology Resources |

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FALL 2014 | Orientation/Registration

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FALL 2014 | Orientation/Registration

Dear Global Citizen,

WELCOME TO NOVA! We’re excited that you have chosen NOVA as the next step on your higher education journey! Fall Orientation, for the Alexandria Campus, is coming soon!


Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Bisdorf Building | Room AA-1582222

For planning purposes, please let us know if you plan to attend.

Orientation is critical in providing you with information about both NOVA and USCIS immigration regulations as well as other important information necessary in helping you to maintain your status. Please click the ORIENTATION link below to register for Orientation. Please respond to this e-mail prior to August 1, 2014, so that we may plan accordingly. If you have previously attended an Orientation, you do not have to attend the Fall Orientation.

CHECK-IN NOTE: If you haven’t already checked-in at the Alexandria Campus, please make sure you do so prior to Orientation. Check-In allows us to gather your passport, digital I-94, visa, as well as update your address and remove ALL holds so that you may register for classes.

Thank you!

Twyla L. Jones, Ed.D.
Assistant Coordinator, Office of International Students
Northern Virginia Community College
Bisdorf Building, Room 193B – Alexandria Campus
3001 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311
703.845.6485 Fax

Click here for more information:

CBO FALL STUDENT ORIENTATION | Saturday, 02 August 2014

CBO FALL STUDENT ORIENTATION | Saturday, 02 August 2014



The Community Based Co Enrollment Programs Office (CBO) is very eager to announce our Fall Student Orientation

This event will take place on:

Saturday, August 2nd

Alexandria Campus | Cafeteria (Bisdorf Building)
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM


 How to obtain YOUR NOVA Student ID
 Financial Aid Q & A session (computer lab based session)
 Student Account Log In Tutorial (computer lab based session)
 TIPS how to be an effective “Career Navigator”
 Academic Advising
 Campus Scavenger Hunt
 Student testimonials (“I did it and so can you!”)

Food & Giveaways

Attendees will have the chance to explore the endless resources and opportunities this partnership has to offer. This initiative was launched as a “NOVA Special Project” on the Alexandria campus in 2007; 36 students in the NVFS Training Futures program became co-enrolled as college students and earned a total of 431 credits during the fall term.
Six years later, in the 2012-13 academic year, seven community based co-enrollment programs reached more than 1,000 students who earned 7,237 credits (241 annual FTEs), generating more than $1.5 million gross revenue ($425,000 net) for the College.
Over the life of the program:
 2411 unique students served
 25 Associated degree awarded
 103 Career Studies Certificates awarded
Cafeteria, Bisdorf Building

Other Details:
Free Parking

Contact Information:
Deidra Anderson

Student Centered. Community Focused