NOVA Historic Preservation Fall Open House

Please mark your calendar for the NOVA Historic Preservation Program’s


Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 7pm

NOVA Loudoun Campus, LW 106

Heading up our line-up will be our own Dr. John Sprinkle, talking about his new book, Crafting Preservation Criteria: The National Register of Historic Places and American Historic Preservation, which is already well on its way to being the definitive work in the field.

In addition, we’ll have our splendid faculty members promoting their exciting line-up of spring courses, which include:

Prof. Mike Henry’s HIS 183- Survey of Museum Practice

Prof. David Clark’s HIS 193- Forensic Archaeology

Prof. Rich Gillespie’s HIS 205- Local History, “Journey Through Hallowed Ground”

Prof. Doug Campbell’s HIS 199- Historic Preservation Internship

And if that’s not enough to quicken anyone’s blood, there will be cookies as well!  Come by and see what the Historic Preservation Program is all about!

Upcoming World War I Program at Mount Zion Church

This weekend, John King, the  National Park Service’s First World War Material Culture Expert & Collector, will be presenting on the following, very interesting topic.  Please see the attached flier for more details.

1914: Viewing the Great War from Northern Virginia”

Sunday, November 9  at 3:00pm at historic MOUNT ZION CHURCH

40309 John Singleton Mosby Highway (Route 50), ALDIE, VIRGINIA

1914 lecture