Volunteer at Morven Park

Morven park is looking for volunteers to help staff the Morven Park Winmill Carriage Museum in Leesburg, particularly volunteers who would be available one or more Saturdays per month to staff the carriage museum from 12-5. The main duties involved are greeting visitors, checking tickets and providing a brief introduction to the carriages. Training is provided.

If interested, please contact Jana Shafagoj,  jshafagoj@morvenpark.org.


Fall classes start in three weeks

We are excited about the start of a new semester. Here is the quick list of courses we are offering as part of the program for the upcoming semester:

HIS 181 – Introduction to Historic Preservation (hybrid course) – Professor Dluger (Thursday nights, Reston center)

HIS 183 – Survey of Museum Practice – Professor Dluger (Monday nights, Loudoun campus)

HIS 190 – Coordinated Internship – Professor Duger

HIS 218 – Introduction to Digital History (online)– Professor Evans

Feel free to reach out to either Professor Dluger (mdluger@nvcc.edu) or Professor Evans (cevans@nvcc.edu) if you have any questions.