Job posting: Conservation Technician

Justine Bello, Conservation Solutions
Conservation Technicians sought for seasonal employment with Conservation Solutions, Inc., a leading full-service preservation firm. Prior experience with conservation/historic preservation, fine arts, masonry restoration and/or general construction is desirable.

Applicants are primarily sought for a masonry restoration project in Washington, DC. The site is accessible by Metro, VRE, MARC, and AMTRAK trains.

Applicants should be hard-working, reliable, detail-oriented, good with tools, capable of working on fragile and delicate items, able to follow instructions, adhere to site safety protocols and maintain a positive attitude. The applicant must be a US citizen or have valid working papers, be able to pass a background check for security purposes and have a valid driver’s license. On-the-job training will be provided as needed. For the right applicant, work on other future projects is a possibility.

Interested applicants should submit a resume and cover letter with to In the subject line, please reference: “Conservation Technician.” Please also indicate your availability to start.

Summer and Fall 2016 Course Schedule

In the summer,
HIS 188 Field Survey Techniques for Archaeology, taught by Professor Clark on Tuesday-Thursday evenings in the first six-week session
In the fall
HIS 181 Introduction to Historic Preservation, taught by Professor Sprinkle on Wednesday nights
HIS 183 Survey of Museum Practice, taught by Professor Dluger on Thursday nights
Internship will be available in either the summer or fall.  Please contact Professor Evans if you are interested.

Changes to the Certificate Program

For the 2016-17 academic year, the revised Public History and Historic Preservation program requirements will be:
1st Semester
HIS      180      Historical Archaeology
HIS      181      Introduction to Historic Preservation
2nd Semester
HIS      183      Survey of Museum Practice
Elective course
3rd Semester
HIS      187      Interpreting Material Culture
HIS      190      Coordinated Internship
18 Total credits for the Historic Preservation Career Studies Certificate
The elective course to the chosen from
HIS 188 Field Survey Techniques for Archaeology
HIS 186 Collections Management
GIS 200 Geographic Information Systems
HIS 218 Introduction to Digital History
HIS 205 Local History
HIS 281 History of Virginia I
All first-time students must take a one-credit Student Development (SDV) course prior to enrolling in their 16th credit at NOVA.

Goucher College Forum on Preservation Practice Upcoming

The 7th National Forum on Historic Preservation Practice – A critical examination of the next 50 years, will be held March 18-19 at Goucher College, Baltimore, MD

Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act. The law responded admirably to the many challenges facing our nation’s historic patrimony 50 years ago. As our nation celebrates the law’s half-century mark, the question arises – what will the next half-century hold for historic preservation policy and professional practice in the United States? Will the way we now conduct or even define historic preservation change? Much will change in the next half-century. Will the old policies, and practices still work? If not, what are the models?

The 7th National Forum on Historic Preservation Practice will explore our future within the context of five significant drivers that will shape our future: demographics, economics, environment, technology, and education.

The 7th National Forum on Historic Preservation Practice:
seeks to explore multiple answers and perspectives to such questions as:

Will the nation’s expected “majority/minority” population shift, decline in fertility rates, and longer lifespans impact historic preservation practice?

How will historic preservation practice and policies change in response to a post- service/co-production economy, changes in monetary and banking systems, and changes to the tax codes, among other economic trends?

How will advances in science, information technology, and communication affect the professional practice of historic preservation?

How should historic preservation practice response to the effects of environmental change? Should there be better integration between natural conservation and historic preservation?

How will historic preservation education better prepare professionals for the future of preservation practice?

The 7th National Forum seeks diverse answers to these complex questions through plenary presentations from “futurists” experts, 15 competitively selected papers, and robust attendee discussion. Forum attendance will be limited to the first 150 paid registrations to allow dynamic discussion among attendees. The cost of the Forum is $235.00, inclusive of continental breakfast Friday and Saturday, and lunch and reception on Friday. The costs for students, with ID presented at the Forum, is $125.00

Preservation Pennsylvania Announces Eight Sites Chosen for Pennsylvania at Risk 2015

Read the descriptions of the sites here.  There is also an excellent, and quick overview, of the fate of 200+ sites since 1992. I would propose that that assessment overview of what happens to threatened historical properties is pretty much relevant not only to sites in Pennsylvania but to sites in other states, including Maryland and Virginia.
C.T. Evans

2016 Archaeology Field School at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

From Liza Gijanto
I am writing in regards to the 2016 Archaeology Field School offered by the Department of Anthropology at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.  This summer we will be investigating the great house and surrounding outbuildings of the 17th and 18th century plantation of West Ashcom on the Pautuxant River.  Here’s the link for more information.