Category Archives: Student Services



Have questions about how to get health insurance and the Affordable Care Act? Join us in the Women’s Center for our round table discussion.m217741497

Afterwards, representatives from “She Knows” will be on hand to answer questions and help you sign up.

DATE: Tuesday, 18 February 2014

TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.



For more information please contact Dr. Carolyn Lorente |<>

CST-227: Business and Profession Communication

CST-227:  Business and Profession Communication0205581854

Do you need a 2nd 8-week course?

Would you like to learn more about professional skills that you can USE, such as resume-writing, conflict management, interviewing, and job-hunting?

Do you need to fulfill CST requirements? 

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then check out CST-227: Business and Professional Communication!
This 3-credit hybrid course meets on Tuesdays.  It’s a great way to learn practical skills in a hands-on setting.  Hurry!  The class begins March 17th!

Tuesdays:         12:30 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. (during the 2nd 8-weeks)

For more information contact  Professor Meredith Aquila | MAQUILA@NVCC.EDU<mailto:MAQUILA@NVCC.EDU>


THE TOWN HALL PANEL DISCUSSIONS: 17th and 24th of February 2014

Pan African NOVA Town Hall | Meeting &Panel Discussion


Students will discuss African, African Diaspora, & African American & Race Issues at NVCC

Date:                     Monday, 17 February 2014

Time:                     07:30 p.m. – 09:30 p.m.

Location:              Bisdorf Building | AA-196(room)

The US Domestic Slave Trade 1790’s to1865 | Lecture & Panel Discussion

The panel discussion will revolve around the Solomon Northrup film “12-Years A Slave” as well as the significance of Alexandria City as a major human trafficking port then.  We’ll discuss the significance of American Black Slavery historically as well as its modern impact on Race, Wealth, Politics & Society today.

Date:                     Monday, 24 February 2014

Time:                     07:30 p.m. – 09:30 p.m.

Location:              Bisdorf Building | AA-196 (room)


The discussions will consist of a short introductory presentation by me, Dr. Joseph E Windham,

Professor of African Civilizations, The  African Diaspora, & African American History,

with civil discussion on such salient questions with student panels, audience microphones, and surveys for all attending.

These events are sponsored by the Diversity & Black History Committees, SGA & The AASU.

Please come and bring or send your students offering them academic incentives!

Although these events focus on the Lives and Histories of African American students,

for Black History Month all Novarians are invited to attend and participate.


For more information please contact Dr. Joseph Windham |

PARKING LOTS A-4 & B-6 CLOSED on 2/7/14: Parking Notice


Parking lot A-4 will be closed (Friday, 07 February 2014) in front of Bisdorf for a construction project.


Due to the Beauregard Street Garage renovations, the lower levels of the garage and lot B-6  will be closed each of those mornings so that we can accommodate the Naturalization Ceremony event.

Please note that there will continue to be ample parking available in the Dawes Avenue Garage and lot B-1.

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Come and join our Chinese New Year Celebrations at NOVA, Alexandria Campus on Thursday, February 06, 2014

Event Description


The Chinese Cultural Club at NOVA Celebrates Chinese New Year – The Year of the Horse

Join us from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in Room 196 (Bisdorf  Building) for a talk on Mo Yan, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, by NOVA’s Fulbright Professor Dr. Min Ji

After that, head over to the cafeteria from 4:00 to 7:00 PM for:

• Chinese Food

• Martial Arts and Tai Chi Demo

• Fashion Show Featuring 22 Gorgeous Costumes

• Hawaiian Dance

• Hawaiian Dance Lessons

• Chinese Crafts

• Chinese Fan Dance

• Calligraphy Demo and Mini-Lessons

Location Information:

Alexandria – Bisdorf

Room: 196 Cafeteria


The Film Collaborative, a group created in the Fall 2013, made up of film students from NOVA Alexandria Campus (for more information on the group and its film activities please visit:  We are in pre-production for 4 short films.



Date:                     Friday, 07 February 2014

Time:                     3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Room:                   Tyler Building  | AT-121

Info:                      Attached is the flyer for the casting call

Actors are needed for lead roles as well as extras as students in classrooms.  Professional and non-professional student actors welcomed.  Please help spread the word to NOVA students.

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Dear AL Campus Honors Students,image001

On behalf of the Virginias Collegiate Honors Council (VCHC) Executive Board, faculty and student representatives, and committee members, I would like to invite you to participate in our spring conference.

The Virginias Collegiate Honors Council is an interdisciplinary professional organization, and this conference provides a forum for honors students to present their work publicly and to network with other honors students. The theme for this year’s conference is “Pay it Forward.”

The conference will be Friday, April 4, to Saturday, April 5, 2014, at Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia.  Participants may present individual papers, group presentations, poster sessions, or art/original work (includes dance, literature, instrumental or vocal music, and poetry).

The conference fee is $90.00 if you register on or before March 14, 2014, and $105.00 if you register after March 14 but before March 21, 201.   For information on how to register, please go to

We look forward to seeing long-time and new participants this spring at Virginia State University.

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Honors Program Students

Hello! As an Honors Program student – those attempting the 18-21 credits in Honors/Honors Option courses/officially accepted into the program, I wanted to make you aware of an Honors Study Abroad Trip to England that has the possibility of 3 credit hours (either as a HIS 295 or an ENG 272 class).

The trip dates are May 19th to June 1st, 2014, although there will be several trip/class meetings before then.  If you are interested please email Rebecca Hayes (<>) ASAP and fill out the attached application form.  We will be making our selections soon and scheduling our first meeting.

The Honors Program will be funding a portion of this trip for Honors Program students.  The estimated cost is $3800 to $4000.  Again, we are hoping to fund a portion of this and do some major fundraising.

If you have taken a Shakespeare lit class or a History of England class please make me aware of that in your response.

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Dear NOVA Community members,

Would you like to go to China with us to attend Chinese language classes, travel and visit cultural sights in Beijing, Wuyishan, Xiamen, Nanjing and Shanghai when you elect to join us for both of the programs described below: Program #1 Language Studies in China and #2 Cultural Exploration. Or, choose only Program #2 Cultural Exploration and travel with us to culturally enriching cities and places. Whichever program you choose, you will be immersed in Chinese culture and experience first-hand its beauty and history.

Both programs are open to all students and members of the community.  Some scholarships will be available for qualified students. (All dates, itinerary, and price may be adjusted.)



Contact: Dr. Dali Tan, Assistant professor of Chinese, China Coordinator, <> or 703-933-5078.


Information Meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2014 at Alexandria Campus, Bisdorf Building 0342, 8:00pm.


If you can’t come to the information meeting, please contact Dr. Tan if you are interested and she can set up individual meetings with you to talk about the trip and to answer your questions.


Student Spotlight Special Thanksgiving Edition: Presenting NVCC-Alexandria CKI President Mehreen Khan!

1236321_230115830475717_2095804739_nMy name is Mehreen Khan. I am a sophomore at NOVA , majoring in Information Technology and Liberal Arts. I came to America about two years ago from Pakistan. I remember how I was debating with myself to apply for different colleges in America. The question, what college should I choose, was a matter of a great concern for me because college was the ladder to the success of my future. I chose NOVA because I was a student looking for leadership and recognition and a quality education in the same package. This acknowledgement from NOVA has brought the dreams that were never conceivable in my eyes into a reality by the doors that by joining NOVA has opened for me. I was born and raised in a society, where people think that girls should be limited to household environment only. My father, Jahangir Azam, gave me that push to make a difference in the society where I belonged to. He never could finish his education and despite all the odds he wanted me study and achieve every opportunity which could make an impact in my life and through which I could inspire other girls to go for great opportunities. Going for higher education was my best chance to step ahead of that mentality.

1390628_247413845412582_978734011_nI am a passionate student and NOVA was the right spark for my passion. Joining NOVA allowed me to get the opportunities which led a growth and development in my career through participation in leadership services. NOVA has made my college experience exceptional by connecting me with the people who had the same level of passion and love for education as mine. I believe that there are no born heroes or winners; it takes a hammer, a chisel, a vision and a will to suffer the blows and be carved into one successful individual. NOVA provided me the opportunity to learn more about myself. All this started when I got involved in college clubs and different other organizations. I am not only succeeding academically but also I am active in the leadership roles in the college.

I am the current president of Circle K International, a service organization formed to help the community through various service projects. I am also a proud student leader on campus and all my efforts and devotions are to make sure that I can help students any way possible. I was also a peer mentor whose job is to make sure that we are helping the pregnant female students on campus and helping couples to reduce any kind of violence and assault. I was involved in student government association as well. All my efforts, from the beginning were to help the community, where I am in.  A person’s personality is the gateway into who they are. My experience at NOVA crafted me into a personality where satisfaction lies in helping others and be an inspiration for many others who aspire to dream and achieve their goals.