All posts by egilliam

Congratulations on a Successful Semester

overexam  The staff at Alexandria Testing Center would like to congratulate our first time college students on the successful completion of your Fall 2013 Semester. A huge ‘WAY TO GO’ for our students that have only one semester until degree completion.   You should all be proud of your accomplishments this year and realize that the countless hours spent, multiple pages of notes taken, and group study sessions you participated in has paid off.  We look forward to seeing you in Spring 2014!

Test Taking Strategies!

Tips                      Ten Tips for Taking Tests

  1. Read the instructions carefully. Never assume you will know what they will say! Ask the teacher if you are unsure about anything.
  2. Read the entire test through before starting. Notice the point value of each section. This will help you to pace yourself.
  3. Answer the easiest questions first, then the ones with the highest point value. You don’t want to spend 20 minutes trying to figure out a two-point problem!
  4. Keep busy! If you get stuck on a question, come back to it later. The answer might come to you while you are working on another part of the test.
  5. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question fully, try to answer at least part of it. You might get partial credit.
  6. Need to guess on a multiple-choice test? First, eliminate the answers that you know are wrong. Then take a guess. Because your first guess is most likely to be correct, you shouldn’t go back and change an answer later unless you are certain you were wrong.
  7. On an essay test, take a moment to plan your writing. First, jot down the important points you want to make. Then number these points in the order you will cover them.
  8. Keep it neat! If your teacher can’t read your writing, you might lose points.
  9. Don’t waste time doing things for which you will not receive credit, such as rewriting test questions.
  10. Leave time at the end to look over your work. Did you answer every question? Did you proofread for errors? It is easy to make careless mistakes while taking a test.


Test Taking Strategies

Studying in Groups!

Test taking strategies

Sticking to an agenda is important. Here’s one plan for organizing your group time.

  1. First, compare your notes and review old homework. If there is something you have had trouble understanding, write down your questions about it before meeting with your study group.
  2. Next, drill each other on facts you need to memorize. For example, What are the four stages of a butterfly’s life cycle? You might want to give each other practice quizzes.
  3. Lastly, take the time to discuss “why” questions. For example, Why do monarch butterflies migrate?
    One way to handle “Why” questions is to make a list of the important ones you will want to review. Then divide the questions among the group. At your next meeting, have each person present a lesson about her questions.




Daily Test Taking Strategies

Tip of the Day:


Be Prepared!

Start by gathering all your notes, quizzes and other material related to the class.  Set aside time daily to review and memorize material.  Once you’ve dedicated time and effort to the task at hand, you can approach the exam with extreme confidence.  Preparation is a key component to test taking.

December 2014 Schedule

There’s a crispness in the air, a hustle and bustle in the hallways and in 17 short days until our Fall Break.  The staff at the testing center wants  ensure all students and faculty have the best possible break possible and that starts with ensuring that you our special holiday hours are posted:

  December 20th:   9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

December 21 – January 1st 2014:  CLOSED


Thanking our Veterans!

photo (3)  As veterans we stand with a proud tradition of service to our country. We realize first-hand the sacrifices that are made on our behalf and others. We are truly grateful to have had the opportunity to serve in the United States Army.  Our veterans deserve our gratitude and support whenever and wherever possible.

We also owe a debt of gratitude to military families, although they are not on the battlefield with their love ones, they also serve and sacrifice.

Don’t wait until Veteran’s Day to thank one!


Faculty Make-up During Finals

 Finals for the Fall begin December 1oth.

As a reminder we do not proctor faculty make up exams during this period.  An exception to this policy is for students that have a current Memorandum of Accommodations on file. 

The Reading and Writing Labs are also closed during finals as well to accommodate our over flow needs.

You may contact Candice Bowman @ (703) 845-6052 if you have a specific concern regarding these policies.