All posts by egilliam

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday

8:30-8:00 p.m.


8:30-4:00 p.m.


8:30-3:30 p.m.

Last Friday of each month, closing at 3:00 p.m.

Jan 25th, Feb 22nd, Mar 29th, April 26th, and May 31st

Fall 2018………..Final Countdown!

No classes. College offices close at noon. November 21
Thanksgiving holiday. College closed. November 22-25
No classes. College offices closed. November 22-25
Winter Break for students, faculty and staff. College offices closed. December 21 – January 1

Faculty Success Conference

October 17-19, Alexandria Campus

8 – 50 minute sessions, Virtual Conference, 17 Oct

Wellness Workshops, 18 Oct

Meet up at Clydes, 18 Oct

Writing Across the Curriculum, 19 Oct


Test Taking Tips– Summer 2018

    1. Gathering knowledge of the truth is the best preparation for tests.
      • Hours of concentrated, effective study help to carefully place facts into your memory. This is the best way to prepare for any test.
      • However, teachers often try to test your memory of the material by slightly altering it. In this case, practice and some test-taking skill will help.

2.Always arrive early and take a moment to relax and reduce your anxiety.

  • This brief time period will boost your confidence
  • Use this time to focus your mind and think positive thoughts.

3. Listen attentively to last minute instructions given by the instructor.

  • Teachers often make last minute changes.
  • Missing instructions can cause extreme anxiety.

4. Read the test directions very carefully and watch for details.

  • You may find that more than one answer may be possible on multiple choice tests.
  • A key detail may require that you choose only three out of the five essay questions.

5.Plan how you will use the allotted time.

  • Estimate how many minutes you will need to finish each test section.
  • Determine a pace which will ensure completing the whole test on time.
  • Start with the easiest section to build your confidence.

6.Maintain a positive attitude.

  • Don’t let more difficult questions raise your anxiety and steal your valuable time. Move on and find success with other questions.
  • Avoid watching for patterns. Noticing that the last four answers are “c,” is not a good reason to continue with that pattern.

7.Rely on your first impressions.

  • The answer which comes to mind first is often correct.
  • Nervously reviewing questions and changing answers can do more harm than good


  • 8. Plan to finish early and have time for review.
    • Return to difficult questions you marked for review.
    • Proofread your essays and pay attention to grammar and spelling.
    • Make sure you answer all the questions. Many students have failed to notice questions on the back side of the paper.

9. Consider every test a practice session – analyze your performance.

  • Test taking is an art which needs refinement. One can not refine the art without practice and serious evaluation.
  • Go through each test thoroughly and see if your plan worked.
  • Look at each section to identify your fault patterns. Do you need to work on true/false, multiple choice, or essay questions?
  • Talk to teachers regarding low scores, especially on essays.