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Still Time to Register for an Upcoming Session!

The 3rd- 12 Week Session for Extended Learning Institute classes start September 17th     Placement Test

and 2nd – 8 Week Session for Campus Classes  start on October 14th, so there is still time to take your Math and English Placement  test.

Visit the Testing webpage for requirements and procedures for the Placement test





To support the college wide Extended Hours starting

August 11th, the Testing Center will be open as follow:


August 11-14th     8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

August 18-21st    8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

August 16 & 23       9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


 Our Saturday hours will remain the same 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Visit our website for specific details regarding each test you wish to take.  All exams are collected 15 minutes prior to closing.




Time 4 FUN ‘N THE SUN!

In 9 short days summer session will be over and you’ll be off to enjoy beaches, vacations, friends and family.  Our focus at the testing center is to ensure you have the best testing experience possible when you visit us.  To that end, please come prepared.  We URGE you not to wait until August 9th to visit a testing center.  As  December 24th is to Christmas; August 9th is to the summer session, the  busiest and most frustrating day in the Testing Center.

So our hats are off to your success. Plan ahead, study, test on the 7th or 8th of August.  There’s a beach awaits!!!




First 6 Weeks Ending

Congratulations your First 6-weeks session is coming to an end.  Take this time to organize your notes, contact instructors to ensure you haven’t missed any assignments, and form your study groups.



On test taking day:

  • Multiple-choice: Don’t rush. On multiple-choice items, force yourself to read each possible choice carefully before selecting an answer. Remember, some choices appear correct at first glance but tum out to be wrong when you take a closer look. When in doubLguess! If the test does not penalize guessing, be sure that you write in a response for each test item, even if you don’t know the answer.
  • Skip difficult items until last. On timed tests, you should avoid getting bogged down on difficult items that can cause you to use up all of your time. Instead, when you find yourself stumped on a tough test item, skip it and go on to other problems. After you have finished all of the easiest test items, you can return to any skipped questions and try to answer them. 14. Use leftover time to check answers.