Videos are Coming!

A big inspiration for this Site is to display the video works of our students here on the Woodbridge campus of NOVA.  As such, we are in the process of doing a test in the coming week to get some videos posted for everyone to view.

Also, at the conclusion of the semester, we will post many of the final individual video projects of our students from PHT 130 and their documentary of the making of the music video for the newly signed band WorstKase Scenario.

And speaking of the music video, stay tuned for the on-line premiere of the music video for Dangerous Girl and hear about all of the work that went into this production that was completed by our PHT 130 students working in partnership with 522 Productions.

Welcome to the New Site

Welcome to all of our new visitors to the launch of this blog site to promote the film/video courses that are offered here on the Woodbridge campus of NOVA and to share the work of current and past students. 

Stay tuned for future posts with information about course offerings, new technology in the field, or film-related events.  

Please let us know what it is you want to see from this Site and come back often with your comments so we can continue to grow and learn from each other.

All the best,

Chris Stallings