Northern Virginia Community College
Instructional Technology Support Services Loudoun Campus
Our Mission
Instructional Technology Support Services at Loudoun Campus is dedicated to serving the technology needs of the faculty and staff. Our team is committed to assist the faculty in implementing the instructional technologies and other collaboration technologies for a successful teaching and learning environment.
Create Videos NEW !!
Do you want to create your own videos for your class? We can assist in creating the videos and edit them to your requirements. Do you want some pre-built video resources specific to your course requirements? You can click here to let us know and we can work together to create the desired resource or get you the videos specific to your course.
If you are looking for a specific resource( a video tutorial or a guide), you can click here to let us know and we can sent the link to the desired resource.
We provide our Services to support
- Canvas Course Set Up and adding Course Content.
- Organizing Canvas Course Modules topic-wise or week-wise.
- Creating Home Pages for easy navigation for students.
- Provide continued assistance to the faculty for their Canvas Courses.
- Training on Grade Book.
- Training on assessing student’s work in the Speed grader.
- Training on creating an exam with Lock Down browser and Respondus Monitor.
- Training to convert documents to Canvas Quiz using Respondus Test Creator Tool.
- Training on using G-Suite for education.
- Creating Google LTI 1.3 Assignments.
- Creating videos with Adobe Spark.
- Adding narration to PowerPoint presentations.
- Creating Canvas Studio assignments and recording with Canvas Studios.
- Training on Zoom polling, breakout rooms, reports, recordings.
- Provide workshops for students in topics like Canvas, Excel, Word, Power point, Google Apps and Google Drive.
What’s New
Canvas Gradebook Accuracy Check
Online Proctoring with Respondus Lockdown Browser and Zoom
Respondus Lockdown Browser can now be used with Zoom for live proctoring.
- The Online Proctoring with Zoom must have an access code to be enabled with the Lockdown Browser enabled exam. If the Canvas exam has a passcode already assigned, the Canvas Exam pass code and the Zoom Access code needs to be the same.
- Students can use Chromebooks, if instructor enables the desired setting.
- The student must use Chrome browser ONLY while taking the exam with Lockdown Browser.
- The student needs to close all applications and keep Zoom and Chrome browser windows opened.
Note: Students CANNOT take exams enabled with Lockdown Browser on IPads or mobile phones.
To know more, click, Live Proctoring with Respondus LockDown Browser and Zoom.
Google Assignments LTI 1.3 NEW !!!
Google Assignments LTI 1.3 comes as a better replacement for the Google Apps integration in Canvas assignments. Google Assignments LTI 1.3 makes Google Docs and Google Drive compatible with Canvas for file submissions. As an instructor, you can create a document that you would like your students to fill out or complete. When you attach that file to a Canvas assignment using the Google Assignments LTI 1.3, each student receives a copy of the file in their Google Drive, completes the file, and submits the file back to you for review and feedback.
To know more, click, Google Assignments LTI 1.3
Respondus Lock Down Browser in New Quizzes NOW!!!
The Respondus LockDown Browser is supported in New Quizzes NEW !!!.
The Respondus integration requires an external app, which is the same app used for Classic Quizzes. Once New Quizzes is enabled for an account, the LockDown Browser Dashboard displays both Classic and New Quizzes in the same list. To know more, click, Respondus Lock Down Browser in New Quizzes
Student Experience
When LockDown browser is enabled for Classic Quizzes, students open the LockDown browser first and login to their account to navigate to their quiz. When LockDown browser is enabled for New Quizzes, however, the student workflow has been simplified where students begin using Canvas in their regular browser and LockDown browser will automatically launch when the exam begins.
Zoom Polling: You can add polling questions on the fly during the Zoom meeting:
The Zoom Polling feature allows you to create single choice or multiple choice polling questions for your meetings. Set up the poll prior or during the meeting, launch the poll during your meeting and gather the responses from your attendees. Polls are conducted anonymously and results are not saved. To know more, click Zoom Polling.
Canvas Studio Collections – New Feature:
Did you know there’s a new feature that allows you to create collections in your Canvas Studio library? Creating a collection allows you to organize your media library and share specific collections and media with other users. To know more, click Canvas Studio Collection.
Rich Content Editor:
Did you know from May 12, 2020, a new Rich Content Editor has been updated to your Canvas courses. The NEW Rich Content Editor is available in your Announcements, Syllabus, Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions and Pages. To know more, click Rich Content Editor.
Muting Course Notifications :
Users can mute all notifications for a course where the user is enrolled. Course notifications are enabled by default. On the home page, users can choose to disable notifications for the course. To know more, click Muting Course Notifications.
Edit Assignment Due Dates in one place:
Did you know there is a new feature in Canvas that allows you to edit all your Assignment Due Dates in one place? This is especially helpful if you have imported content from a previous term and don’t want to edit each assignment individually! To know more, click Edit Assignment Due dates in one place
Limited Submission Attempts:
By default, assignments can be submitted an unlimited number of times. However, instructors can choose to limit the number of attempts a student can make for an assignment by using the Attempts menu. To know more, click Limited Submission Attempts