Creating a Canvas Assignment with Google LTI 1.3 Assignments

Google Assignments was launched in August 2020 as a replacement for the Google Apps integration that existed prior.

Google Assignments makes Google Docs and Google Drive compatible with Canvas for file submissions. With Assignments, you can save time distributing and grading student work, and you can analyze student submissions with originality reports to ensure authenticity.

Canvas and Google worked together to add additional Assignments features specific to Canvas, so you can use Docs and Drive seamlessly across Canvas.

The steps to, Create Canvas Assignment with Google Assignments LTI 1.3

When a Canvas assignment is created with Google LTI 1.3 assignments, G-Drive seamlessly integrates with Canvas to create a folder named Assignments (first time only) inside VCCS My Drive. The Assignments folder contains a sub-folder named as that of the course in which the google assignment is created. And the Canvas assignment with Google LTI 1.3 resides inside this subfolder.

For example, an instructor is creating a google LTI 1.3 assignment named Basic Grammar Assignment for her ESL 121 course. When the instructor completes creating the assignment, her VCCS My Drive houses an Assignments folder  with a sub-folder named ESL 121 that contains the assignment named Basic Grammar Assignment.

When the assignment is created by the instructor, each student enrolled in the course also gets a copy of the assignment in their VCCS My Drive. The location of the Basic Grammar Assignment is Student’s VCCS My Drive  –> ESL 121 –> Basic Grammar Assignment.


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