Sailing the Draken Harald Harfagre

For the last four years a project has been underway to investigate ancient Norse sailing traditions by constructing and sailing of the world’s largest Viking ship built in the modern era. Our own John Kincheloe, a history professor at Loudoun campus, spent the summer of 2013 as a crew member on the Draken Harald Harfagre, sailing the coast of Norway. His goal was to develop an understanding of the Viking age and its maritime legacy. In the process, he experienced firsthand the challenges of historically recreating a method of sailing and way of life that has not existed in over 900 years.

John Kincheloe will speak on both the Viking Maritime Legacy and his experience “Taming the Dragon” on January 29th at 5pm in (LW116).

Courses for Spring 2014

As you get ready to register for the Spring semester, please take a look at the courses that NOVA’s Historic Preservation Program will be offering.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact the program head at  Happy registering!

HIS 187 Interpreting Material Culture, Prof. Tracy Gillespie (Core Course)

What could a 19th century photograph of a former slave tell you about her previous life?  Can a stain on the page of an ancient book tell you about its history?  Could an old building give you clues to its past?  These are all examples of material culture — items from the past — that tell us stories of what’s come before.  This course introduces you to ways we can interpret the past through material culture.  Many class sessions will meet at historic sites and museums in Loudoun — exactly where we’ll find material culture!  The class meets on Tuesday nights at the Reston Center.

HIS 193 Prehistorical Archeology, Prof. David Clark (Elective Course)

The study of Native American culture history from earliest times to European-contact. Weekly hands-on artifact studies, ancient technology demonstrations, site field trips, and public interactive preservation programs high-light the course. The class meets on Thursday nights at Signal Hill.

HIS 199 Historic Preservation Internship, Prof. Doug Campbell (Core Course)

This course is designed to give you practical experience in the field of historic preservation by allowing you to work as an intern at a historic site, museum, historical society, government agency, or other site relevant to historic preservation. At the end of the semester, you will have produced an internship portfolio documenting the work you have done and the experience you have gained, suitable for use in job applications in the historic preservation field. All sites for the internship must be pre-approved before the internship can begin, so please get in touch with me well before the start of the semester so we can get everything set up and you can hit the ground running.

HIS 205-Local History Seminar–The Journey Through Hallowed Ground, Prof. Rich Gillespie (Elective Course)

The Journey Through Hallowed Ground federal heritage area is a 180-mile corridor from Gettysburg to Charlottesville, and our historic region sits right in the heart of it. History 205 helps students use local historic sites in the Journey to open doors of understanding, meaning, interest, and service to families, neighbors, friends, business associates, and club and civic group members. Historic Preservation certificate students gain a more soulful feeling and sense of meaning for the historic environment in which they hope ultimately to be active as professionals, and learn new ways to view this historic landscape. NVCC students hoping to get history credits see what they’ve studied in the academic classroom come alive on the historic landscape that surrounds them. Certified Tourism Ambassadors (CTAs) get to see the Journey’s meaning and gain a passion for its historic sites. Teachers get ideas of how our historic landscape can be used to bring their classroom teaching alive.  The class meets on Wednesday nights at the Reston Center.

Mount Vernon Symposium, Nov. 14-15

There’s an upcoming symposium at Mount Vernon– Please contact Sean Thomas if interested:
For more than six years, George Washington’s Mount Vernon has hosted a symposium series on selective topics from George Washington’s Presidency to George Washington & the Constitution.  This year’s symposium held on November 14th and 15th will focus on historic preservation at Mount Vernon.  This is normally a ticket-based event that sells out quickly.  With the opening of The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington, we are able to expand this event, free of charge, to your faculty and students who would like to attend.  Through the new technology of the Library, we are able to stream what is happening in the Auditorium to our Library meeting rooms.  Students and faculty will not only be able to watch the symposium, but will be able to interact with the speakers and panelists through Twitter and other messaging software.  They will also get the opportunity to interact personally with members of Mount Vernon’s Historic Preservation team.
Attached is a brochure and schedule of this year’s symposium.  The schedule features lectures and panel discussions by our Mount Vernon staff as well as…
Dr. Carl Lounsbury, Senior Architectural Historian at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation where he has been employed since 1982. He is the author of several award-winning books and co-editor of the recently published The Chesapeake House. Besides consulting work for a variety of museums, he teaches architectural history at the College of William and Mary.  Lounsbury received his B.A. degree from the University of North Carolina and earned an M.A. and PhD at George Washington University.
Carter L. Hudgins, Director of the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation jointly sponsored by Clemson University and the College of Charleston. Trained as an historian and archaeologist, he received his PhD in early American history from the College of William and Mary. Hudgins has served as executive director of Historic Charleston Foundation, and as the Hofer Distinguished Professor of Early American Culture and Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington.
George W. McDaniel has served as executive director of Drayton Hall since 1989, a historic site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  An Atlanta native, he holds a B.A. from Sewanee, an M.A.T. in history from Brown University, and a PhD in history from Duke University. At Drayton Hall, he has been deeply engaged in “whole place preservation,” that is, the convergence of historic preservation and environmental conservation.
Dr. Scott Casper, dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Professor of History at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He is the author of Sarah Johnson’s Mount Vernon: The Forgotten History of an American Shrine (2008), among other books and essays. Since 2000 he has taught in Mount Vernon’s summer institutes for K-12 teachers, and he was an organizer of the George Washington Teacher Ambassador Program in Nevada (2010-2013).
This Library event is being offered to you and your students free of charge.  It will not include tickets to the Estate.  If your group wishes to purchase tickets to the Estate, they are being offered at the discounted price of $8/person.  The brochure also details special events and meals that are also not included for this Library event.
To RSVP and reserve your spots, please contact me directly through the information provided below.  I can also answer any questions you may have about the event.  Thank you very much for your consideration and we hope you will be open to join us in November for the symposium.
Sean Thomas, MA, MPA
Director of Leadership Programs
The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington
P.O. Box 3600
Mount Vernon, VA 22121

New NOVA Historic Preservation Video is on the Web

The “NOVA in 3 Hot Minutes” series has just produced a feature on the Historic Preservation Program.  The video is available on iTunes U and YouTube, and is currently part of the rotation of clips playing on the television monitors throughout the College.  This should be a nice step toward raising the profile of the program a bit.  Program veterans will perhaps recognize some of our faculty opining on why the program is awesome. Enjoy!

NOVA in 3 Hot Minutes Historic Preservation

Peter Levine at Morven Park

I just wanted to pass along an announcement for an interesting event from our friends at Morven Park:

We would like to extend to you a special invitation for an upcoming event.  We will be officially launching the CivicsNow! program on September 25th at 7pm in the Winmill Carriage Museum with our inaugural “Distinguished Voices in Civics” speaker event.  Our speaker will be Peter Levine, a Tufts University Professor and a leading scholar on youth civic engagement.  He will be talking about the renewal of civic participation on our country.  A great video of him speaking is here:

 Ticketing for the event is at this link:  Please use the promotional code “specialguest” for complimentary tickets. Please feel free to pass this along to any of your friends or colleagues as well.  We’d love to have a great crowd as it is such an important topic.

I hope you all will be able to attend.  It’s going to be a great event!

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to the NOVA Historic Preservation Program’s Fall Semester!  In addition to our usual slate of great courses, there are going to be some interesting new developments with the program this Fall.  Details to follow soon!

Thanks for Helping Colvin Run Mill!

Thanks to the assistance of its enthusiastic supporters (which undoubtedly includes many in our program) in the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s recent contest, Colvin Run Mill will be receiving a $75,000 grant to restore its 18th century grain elevator.  Congratulations to Mike Henry and everyone at the Mill!  Also of note, our friends at George Washington’s Mount Vernon did pretty well too, snagging a $100,000 grant to restore the good General’s dining room.  Exciting stuff!

Summer Work for Historical Interpreters on the GW Parkway

George Washington Memorial Parkway is seeking qualified students to work as interpreters in the park this summer. Students will be awarded the opportunity to provide services to visitors by giving talks, interpreting natural and historic features, answering questions, and guiding tours.
Positions are located at multiple sites, including Glen Echo Park, Clara Barton National Historical Site, Arlington House, Great Falls Park, park headquarters, and the park’s maintenance facility.  
The park preserves the natural scenery along the Potomac River.  It connects historic sites from Mount Vernon, where Washington lived, past the nation’s capital, which he founded, to the Great Falls of the Potomac, where he demonstrated his skill as an engineer. 
These temporary employment opportunities are open to current students who meet the requirements of the Pathways internship program. The anticipated entrance on duty date is May/June; employment will end on or before September 30th.
Detailed information is provided in the following vacancy announcements:
These announcements will be open until May 10th.

Help Colvin Run Mill win $100,000 for Restoration!

We Need Your Vote for Colvin Run Mill
Help fully restore Colvin Run Mill!
The Park Authority site is a finalist in a web-based contest sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and American Express.
Vote Daily The site with the greatest number of votes will receive $100,000 in preservation prize money.
Share Often 
Sharing photos, video and the link via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and FourSquare adds more votes for the mill.
Polls Open through May 10
Login, Link up and Vote for Colvin Run Mill
What your votes will accomplish:
For the past four decades, only the basement and first floor of the Fairfax County mill have been open to the public. Colvin Run Mill would use the prize money to fully restore the second and third levels, complete with functioning equipment to dry and sift flour and meal the old-fashioned way. Then visitors can see how the mill works from top to bottom!