Policies when the ASC is providing in-person services:
- All students must sign in at the front desk for in-person appointments. For Zoom appointments, we suggest you log into Zoom 5-10 minutes before the start of the session.
- All students must have their NOVA card or know their Student ID number.
- Students are allowed to schedule 2 tutoring sessions per course per week, per class. Please see the Appointment Tutoring Policies page for more information.
- Silence or turn off all electronic devices. If a call must be taken, please leave the center before answering the call.
- Children: In accordance with College policies, those younger than 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times. If a student brings a child who is unable to sit quietly at the same table or is causing disruptions in the center, the student will be asked to reschedule their appointment at a time when they can leave the child in someone else’s care.
- Please be respectful and courteous toward peers and staff.
- Drinks must have secured caps or lids.
- For more information about these and other policies, review Students’ Rights & Responsibilities.