NOVA Historic Preservation Fall Open House

Please mark your calendar for the NOVA Historic Preservation Program’s


Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 7pm

NOVA Loudoun Campus, LW 106

Heading up our line-up will be our own Dr. John Sprinkle, talking about his new book, Crafting Preservation Criteria: The National Register of Historic Places and American Historic Preservation, which is already well on its way to being the definitive work in the field.

In addition, we’ll have our splendid faculty members promoting their exciting line-up of spring courses, which include:

Prof. Mike Henry’s HIS 183- Survey of Museum Practice

Prof. David Clark’s HIS 193- Forensic Archaeology

Prof. Rich Gillespie’s HIS 205- Local History, “Journey Through Hallowed Ground”

Prof. Doug Campbell’s HIS 199- Historic Preservation Internship

And if that’s not enough to quicken anyone’s blood, there will be cookies as well!  Come by and see what the Historic Preservation Program is all about!

Upcoming World War I Program at Mount Zion Church

This weekend, John King, the  National Park Service’s First World War Material Culture Expert & Collector, will be presenting on the following, very interesting topic.  Please see the attached flier for more details.

1914: Viewing the Great War from Northern Virginia”

Sunday, November 9  at 3:00pm at historic MOUNT ZION CHURCH

40309 John Singleton Mosby Highway (Route 50), ALDIE, VIRGINIA

1914 lecture

Upcoming Program on Women in Preservation

For your perusal, the following program will be held in October at the American Institute of Architects:

Women in Preservation Special Event:

Architect Barbie: The Debate and Discussion 3 Years Later

A program and networking opportunity with the Co-Creators of Architect Barbie
Kelly Hayes McAlonie, AIA and Despina Stratigakos, Ph.D.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
5:30pm Networking and reception
6:00pm Program
6:45pm Networking
The American Institute of Architects
1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006
Metro: Farragut West
Registration now open!
WIP information and flyer:


Welcome Back for Fall 2014!

Greetings Preservation Enthusiasts,

This is just a quick reminder that NOVA’s Fall semester begins on Wednesday, August 20 and that we’re offering Prof. Clark’s HIS 180- Historic Archeology, Prof. Gillespie’s HIS 187- Interpreting Material Culture, and Prof. Kincheloe’s HIS 281- History of VIrginia, Part I, as well as the debut of Prof. Sprinkle’s online version of HIS 181- History and Theory of Historic Preservation.

The College no longer allows any students to register for classes once a session has started, so you have until the end of the day tomorrow if you haven’t yet signed up.  Don’t delay, and have a great semester!

John Sprinkle’s Crafting Preservation Criteria

This Spring marked the publication of our own John Sprinkle’s latest book, Crafting Preservation Criteria: The National Register of Historic Places and American Historic Preservation by Routledge.  This work examines the evolution of the criteria used by the federal government to identify historic sites worthy of preserving, and serves as a pretty excellent history of historic preservation in modern America more generally.  I’ve read it already myself and found it fascinating, and heartily recommend it to everyone involved in our program, whether or not they’ve been lucky enough to be enrolled in one of Dr. Sprinkle’s courses.  You can order it from your favorite bookseller, and it’s even available as an e-book.  Happy reading!

Crafting Preservation Criteria


Program Courses for Summer and Fall 2014

Here is a quick run down of the Historic Preservation course offerings for the Fall and Summer semesters of 2014. Please note that as of this Fall, the College is no longer allowing late registration for classes, so that means that you must register BEFORE the beginning of the semester in order to be assured of a place!

Fall, 2014

HIS 180- Historical Archaeology, Prof. David Clark, Thursday 7:00-9:45pm LW 0116 (Core Course)
This course is an introduction to both the methods and theories in historical archaeology as practiced in the United States and worldwide. Topics include time and space, field survey, excavation, archival and laboratory research. Some field trips will be held to site excavations.

HIS 181- History and Theory of Historic Preservation, Prof. John Sprinkle, Online with NOVA’s Extended Learning Institute (Core Course)
This will be the debut online course offering for NOVA’s Historic Preservation Program.  The class provides students with a through-going introduction to the history, methodolgies and issues involved in historic preservation at the federal, state, and local levels.  Since we’re still putting the finishing touches on course development for the online version HIS 181, it won’t be available to actually register for until sometime this summer, but we will be offering it this fall.  More details as they become available!

HIS 187 Interpreting Material Culture, Prof. Tracy Gillespie, Tuesday 7:00-9:45pm LR 0274 (Core Course)
Interpreting Material Culture will use hands-on activities, readings, visits to museums and historic sites, and active discussion to shed light on our understanding of the past through the study of material culture.

HIS 281 History of Virginia I, Prof. John Kincheloe, Thursdays 7:00-9:45pm LC 215 (Elective Course)
This Commonwealth of Virginia was built not by politicians or agriculturalists but by the intersection of Green, Red, Black, and White. The landscape that dictated terms of growth, the native population that existed long before our story will begin, the slaves imported from Africa, and the Europeans who wrote the story we will discuss were all four equal players in the creation of the early history of Virginia.  Students will delve into both an understanding of the diverse historical experiences of Virginians, and will take a hands on approach to exploring their own interests in the early history of our Commonwealth.

 HIS 199 Historic Preservation Internship, Prof. Doug Campbell (Core Course)
This course is designed to give you practical experience in the field of historic preservation by allowing you to work as an intern at a historic site, museum, historical society, government agency, or other site relevant to historic preservation. At the end of the semester, you will have produced an internship portfolio documenting the work you have done and the experience you have gained, suitable for use in job applications in the historic preservation field. All sites for the internship must be pre-approved before the internship can begin, so please get in touch with me well before the start of the semester so we can get everything set up and you can hit the ground running.

Summer, 2013

HIS 188- Field Survey Techniques in Archaeology, Prof. David Clark, Tues and Thurs. 5:30-9:10pm LR 0144 (Elective Course)

HIS 199 Historic Preservation Internship, Prof. Doug Campbell (Core Course)

Foodways Workshop at Gunston Hall, May 16-18

There will be a workshop on 18th century foodways hosted by Gunston Hall on May 16-18, 2014.  Among the presenters will be our own Dr. David Clark discussing what archeology can reveal about dietary patterns during the era.   It sounds like a fascinating event which will be well worth the while of anyone interested in historic preservation.  Details can be found at:

Historic House Museum Symposium

On Saturday, March 15, Gunston Hall is holding a symposium on the question, “How are historic house museums adapting to the future?”  Admission is $15, which includes lunch, and the speakers include some faces that may be familiar to NOVA Historic Preservation stalwarts.  Details can be found here.