Get free writing help at the ASC Writing Center. Our writing consultants and tutors can help with writing for any class and with resumes, cover letters, scholarship essays, and transfer essays!
The ASC is open for services this summer! Our writing consultants and tutors are available to help you prepare for your summer classes. To schedule an appointment, stop by AA-229 or go to Student Navigate in MyNOVA.
On Wednesday, February 28, at 2 PM, students have another chance to learn about citations for college writing in a one-hour workshop in AA-234. If you missed last week’s workshop, please attend this one facilitated by writing consultant Denise Brown.
Are you having trouble knowing when and how to cite sources in your writing assignments and research papers? We can help! Attend this free workshop on Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 2 – 3 PM in AA-229, to gain a better understanding of citations in college writing.
Interested in learning about the hundreds of NOVA Foundation scholarships available to NOVA students? Participate in this Scholarship Information Session on Friday, February 9, from 1 – 2 PM in Zoom. For the Zoom link, email NOVA Professor Janice Hornyak at
On January 12, ASC front desk staff, tutors and writing consultants spent a half-day training in preparation for the spring semester. Shown here is College Steps Coordinator Protus Ambe, who explained about how the College Steps program assists NOVA students.
Attend this hands-on workshop to make a plan to finish your assignments, papers, and projects for the semester. You’ll also hear tips and strategies for preparing for final exams. No pre-registration is required.