All posts by Monica Chenault

Program Manager for Office of Student Mental Health and Behavior. Managing NOVACares and NOVA SAS.

NOVA SAS and NOVA Police Collect Items for Local Domestic Violence Shelters

March 12, 2015

NOVA Sexual Assault Services (SAS) and NOVA Police Department conducted a donation drive from January 26th through March 6th. Items, to include cleaning, hygiene, and household products, were collected in support of two Domestic Violence Shelters in Northern Virginia. Over 500 items were collected and distributed accordingly. NOVA SAS and NOVA Police thank everyone who donated and helped make a difference in the lives of individuals experiencing domestic violence. For more information or to contact NOVA SAS for assistance, call our 24-hour cell at 703.338.0834 or by email   at

Mental Health First Aid Training, 2 Days: Oct. 8-9 Register now in NOVA Academy



The Office of Student Mental Health and Behavior and the Professional Development Unit (HR) have invited the Fairfax County Community Services Board once again to facilitate the Mental Health First Aid workshop.


Location: Fairfax, 3922 Pender, Suite 150

Date: Wednesday, October 8th and Thursday, October 9th.

Time:  9:30 am-till 3:00 pm.

Note: Participants need to commit to both days and be present for the duration of the sessions to receive their certification.

Maximum number of participants: 20

Registration closes on Tuesday, September 30th at midnight, so sign up now!


Course Title:

NOVA – HR: Mental Health First Aid 


Course Description:

You are more likely to encounter someone experiencing a mental health crisis than someone having a heart attack. Mental Health First Aid is an interactive 8-hour course that teaches you about common warning signs and risk factors for mental health problems and provides a five-step action plan and resources for helping someone in crisis. Mental Health First Aid provides an overview of mental illness and substance use disorders and introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems, builds understanding of their impact, and gives an overview of common treatments. Those who take the 8 hour course certify as Mental Health First Aiders and learn a 5-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources and knowledge to help an individual in crisis connect with appropriate professional, peer, social, and self-help care.


Please register through NOVA Academy for this class at  Search for keyword “nova health.”  You may contact if you have any additional questions.


Thank you,


Human Resources

Northern Virginia Community College

3926 Pender Drive, Suite 150

Fairfax, VA 22030-0974


In light of Robin Williams’ Passing – Here is some info on helping those struggling with depression

CrisisLink – You Talk, We Listen.


Recognize the Signs of Suicidal Behavior

Things People Might Say…


  • “I’m tired of life. I can’t go on.”
  • “My family would be better off without me.”
  • “Who cares if I’m dead anyway?”
  • “I just want out.”
  • “I won’t be around much longer.”
  • “Soon you won’t have to worry about me.”
  • “I wish I were dead.”
  • “I’m going to end it all.”
  • “I just want to die.”
  • “I’m going to kill myself.”
  • “If….doesn’t happen, I’m going to kill

Things People Might Do…


  • Get a gun or stockpile pills
  • Give away prized possessions
  • Take more impulsive risks
  • Cut themselves or other gestures of self-harm
  • Neglect their appearance
  • Abuse alcohol and/or drugs
  • Isolate themselves/run away/drop out of school
  • Show a dramatic change of mood


In Light of Robin Williams’WarningSigns Passing  – Here is some info from Crisis Link on helping those struggling with depression.  NOVACares!








College-Wide Military Open House – Aug. 16; 10:00-13:00; AL Campus Hosting

August 16th from 10:00-13:00 hours there will be a College-Wide Military Open House (Hosted by the Alexandria Campus).  Please register.

Military and veteran advisors will be on hand to assist with a variety of services including how to apply to NOVA and to enroll for courses.

Register by sending an e-mail with subject line “College-Wide Military Open House” to

Event hosted by Alexandria Campus at Bisdorf Building Lobby.

Location Information:
Alexandria – Bisdorf  (View Map)
3001 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311
Room: Lobby
Contact Information:
Email: militaryservices@nvcc.eduMilitary_Open_House_August_2014_Page_1 Military_Open_House_August_2014_Page_2

Rights of Students and Employees Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Northern Virginia Community College

Rights of Students and Employees Accused of Sexual Misconduct


If you have been accused of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence or stalking, you have certain right under NOVA’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.  These rights are listed below for your information. The complete Sexual Misconduct Policy is available online at–forms/docs/SexualMisconductPolicy.pdf.

  1. CHARGES. You have the right to be notified of the charges against you. You will be notified in writing and will be provided a copy of the complaint against you.
  2. PROMPT, FAIR AND IMPARTIAL INVESTIGATION. You have the right to a prompt, fair and impartial investigation of the complaint against you, including an opportunity to present witnesses and other evidence. You may present documents, the names of witnesses, and other evidence to the investigators. The investigators may also interview other witnesses and consider other evidence. You may not be present for the complainant’s interview unless the complainant consents, and vice versa.
  3. ADVISOR. If you have been accused of sexual assault, you have the right to select an advisor to support and accompany you at all times throughout the College proceedings. The advisor may support you, but may not represent you or speak for you. You may contact the Title IX Coordinator if you have procedural questions or concerns during any stage of the process.
  4. STANDARD OF EVIDENCE. You will not be considered responsible for violating NOVA’s Sexual Misconduct Policy unless you are found to be responsible by a preponderance of the evidence, in accord with the procedures described in that policy. Nevertheless, at the complainant’s request, NOVA may take action to change a class assignment or working relationship, or issue a campus protective order, so that you will be separated from the complainant to the greatest extent possible. These actions will not be considered in determining whether you are responsible for the alleged sexual misconduct, and will not prejudice you under that process.
  5. CONFIDENTIALITY. You have the right to have your name and all information related to the alleged sexual misconduct kept as confidential as reasonably possible. Absolute confidentiality may not be possible in all circumstances, especially when NOVA needs to act to protect the safety of others. As a general matter, all persons involved in a complaint of sexual misconduct are to respect the privacy of the individuals involved and must keep the matter as confidential as reasonably possible.
  6. SANCTIONS. You have the right to know the potential sanctions that may be imposed if you are found responsible for violating the Sexual Misconduct Policy. These sanctions are described in the policy and may include, but are not limited to, admonitions, probation, suspension, dismissal from the College and/or termination from employment.
  7. INFORMATION. You have the right to information regarding the status of the complaint against you, including the outcome of the campus investigation and any disciplinary action, the procedures to appeal a disciplinary action, and the final outcome.

March 10, 2014