Tip of the Week: ULifeLine

Tip of the Week: Learn More about ULifeline

ULifeline is an online resource for college students struggling with mental health issues. Watching a friend struggle emotionally or hurt themselves by abusing drugs and/or alcohol, cutting, or behaving recklessly can be stressful. It’s hard to know what to say or do. But, as a friend, you may notice signs of a problem that others don’t see. Since unaddressed emotional health issues can lead to serious consequences such as addiction, dangerous behaviors, and thoughts of suicide, it’s important that you don’t ignore these signs. Trust your instincts if you have a gut feeling that something is not right with your friend, you should act on it.

Be the difference for a friend by learning the signs of a problem and how to help.

For more information about ULifeline, please visit our NOVACares website at http://www.nvcc.edu/novacares/index.html

ULifeline links that may be good resources for you are listed below.

How to Tell if a Friend is Struggling http://www.ulifeline.org/articles/468-how-to-tell-if-a-friend-is-struggling

What You Can Do To Help http://www.ulifeline.org/articles/469-what-you-can-do-to-help

How to Talk to a Friend Who is Struggling http://www.ulifeline.org/articles/470-how-to-talk-to-a-friend-who-is-struggling

Noticing Problems on Facebook & How to Help A Friend http://www.ulifeline.org/articles/467-noticing-problems-on-facebook-how-to-help-a-friend

Weekly Tip: Stalking – What is it?

Stalking—Common on College Campuses

Stalking is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel fear. On college campuses, the stalker is often not a stranger to the victim. Four out of five campus victims know their attackers. These perpetrators may have an intimate relationship or close friendship; they may be classmates, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances or relatives of their victims. Stalkers may have traits such as jealousy, narcissism, obsession, compulsion, manipulation, deception and control.

Stalkers now use more complex methods as well. They often use technology such as GPS, phones, cameras, computers, etc. to facilitate both direct and indirect contact with victims. Stalkers also utilize traditional methods such as following victims or their loved ones. Examples of stalking are:
• receiving numerous unwanted calls, texts or emails
• “coincidental” run-ins with the same individual on multiple occasions
• being followed or watched, either physically or electronically
• finding the same person outside your work, class, or home when you leave or arrive

For more information contact NOVA Sexual Assault Services (SAS) at 703.338.0834 or by email at NOVA.SAS@nvcc.edu . For more resources about stalking, please visit http://www.nvcc.edu/novacares/sas/stalking.html

What 2-1-1 Can Do For You?

What 2-1-1 Can Do For You?
2-1-1 is an easy to remember phone number connecting people with free information on available community services. When you dial 2-1-1, a trained professional listens to your situation and suggests sources of help using one of the largest databases of health and human services in Virginia. 2-1-1 VIRGINIA provides access to services in your community and statewide. Government, nonprofit, and community-based agencies, as well as businesses that provide health and human services to the citizens of Virginia are encouraged to list their services. 2-1-1 VIRGINIA is a service of the Virginia Department of Social Services provided in partnership with the Council of Community Services, The Planning Council, the United Way of Central Virginia, and the United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg.
All referrals are confidential and you can search for these same services by clicking on the NOVACares link below.

Volunteer with SAS!

Join the Team by Volunteering with NOVA Sexual Assault Services (SAS)!!!
NOVA SAS is a program within the NOVACares office. As part of our commitment to the safety and well-being of our college community, the SAS program aims to address the issues of sexual assault, stalking and dating/partner violence. NOVA SAS offers many volunteer opportunities. Volunteering with NOVA SAS may help you:
• Gain and raise awareness of sexual assault, dating/partner violence, and stalking
• Become part of the solution by raising awareness of these issues
• Show support to those at NOVA who have been victimized
• Give back to the NOVA community
• Gain service hours

To apply please contact Connie Kirkland (NOVACares/SAS Director) at (703) 323-2136 or by email at cokirkland@nvcc.edu

For more information about NOVACares/SAS volunteering, please visit our website at http://www.nvcc.edu/novacares/index.html