Category Archives: Fun

August is Wellness Month! Tips to Focus on Your Wellness


Happy Wellness Month! More than ever, the need to focus on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness is apparent.  With just a few dedicated moments and strategies, you can keep your general wellness on track, lessening the pains and frustrations of life’s challenging moments.

While there are many facets and ways to focus on your wellness, consider focusing on the following, and coming up with a few of your own:

  1. Prioritize sleep.  Not getting restorative sleep sets the tone for your day, and puts your energy and focus at a deficit.  When you can, get an extra half hour or so of rest to prepare you for the next day.
  2. Stay hydrated.  Water consumption is fundamental to many bodily functions and processes, including thinking, movement, clear skin and sleep, so drink up!
  3. Practice gratitude.  We all are striving everyday to grow, and unfortunately, it can be easy to focus on what we do not have.  Instead, reflect on what you do have, and the strides you made to meet your needs and goals.
  4. Get well exams.  Regular check-ups with a doctor or other certified professional supports overall health by giving you a status on your physical wellbeing, as well as areas to focus on, if necessary.  Early intervention is the best intervention!
  5. Incorporate fruits/veggies.  A variety of produce in your daily food consumption not only supports your physical wellness, but they taste great!  Try out a new, colorful fruit/vegetable, or one you decided you did not like a child- maybe you’ll change your mind!
  6. Take a walk/get outside.  Fresh air is a necessity, and a great tool for centering yourself.  Pause and take in the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations around you.
  7. Do something without expectation of something in return.  A great way to take the focus off of yourself, especially when you are not feeling the greatest, is to do a good deed for someone else.  The smile you give to another can bring yours back, too!
  8. Plan for setbacks.  Nothing goes our way 100% of the time, so a good way to prevent feeling devastated when life throws a hardship your way is to prepare for the possibility that tough times may come.  They are temporary; having skills, resources and supports in place will lessen their disruption.
  9. Practice deep breathing.  Have you ever sighed and realized that your jaw or fists are clenched?  Breathing not only supports physical processes, but our emotional and spiritual health as well.  Take a moment to engage in mindful breathing; focus on the present, and let go of the tension or worry you may be experiencing.
  10. Limit screen time.  Turn off the TV, log off social media, put down your phone.  Looking at screens too long is not only unhealthy for your eyes, but you may be engaged in internalizing negative stimuli, such as negative news stories, or people ranting online, and these can zap your mood.  Schedule your screen time to limit your exposure, and engage in some of the tips above!

What’s your favorite way to focus on your wellness?  Find a new strategy, and share it (or your tried and true methods) with a friend today!

Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day (Random Acts of Kindness Week falls February 14-20)!  This day highlights unplanned, heartfelt acts of altruism where individuals or groups can “pay it forward” to others.  It can be something simple like giving a compliment, holding a door, or paying for someone’s cup of coffee; it can also be grand, like giving a donation, volunteering time, or helping someone in immediate need.

The event name is derived from a quote from Anne Herbert, who in 1982 wrote “practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty” on a placemat.   Ms. Herbert was an American author and journalist who published a book named after the quote before passing away in 2015.  The idea has been popularized in media, education institutions, and communities alike.

Especially in this time of high stress, taking care of yourself and others is imperative.  Participating in giving and receiving random acts of kindness can positively impact mood, relationships, foster hope, and a sense of connectedness when so many of us are feeling so far apart.  Acts of kindness can be witnessed or not, but as long as the energy and feeling behind the actions you take come from a place of love and kindness, proceed!  (see graphic above for some suggestions)

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has cool materials to share for this event, like calendars, posters, coloring pages, videos and more.  You can also search for kindness suggestions by subject, such as children, animals, at work or at school.  Provided are suggestions on tips to use all year round.  Check out this additional list of 101 Random Acts of Kindness, and come up with some of your own.  Carve out a few minutes to pass along a bit of kindness today!

Having Fun Online During COVID-19

Online life is in the forefront for many of us, especially for schooling, working, and staying connected with others.  This also means we are finding more entertainment online due to closure of many venues we would typically frequent.  Below are some suggestions of what you can do to have fun online during the pandemic:

  • Create a collaborative playlist with friends, classmates, colleagues, and family.  You’ll not only get to share your favorite tunes, but you’ll get to learn some new artists and songs, too
  • Use Zoom for more than class or work.  Have a dance party; host a movie viewing and critique party; play improv games like charades, one word story, convergence or 5 things; host a pet play date; engage in a group cooking demonstration

  • Celebrate random daily holidays, like National Power Rangers Day (Aug 28), Chocolate Milkshake Day (Sept 12), or Fried Rice Day, which is also Pepperoni Pizza Day (Sept 20)
  • Institute a TED talk of the day by viewing a video on a new topic everyday

  • Listen to, and discover a new podcast through your favorite podcast or streaming app
  • Use YouTube to find meditation and workout routines you can try

The possibilities are endless; try out something new, and share with others what you find to keep yourself entertained during this time!